

The following is credited to Andrew Steffey, as linked.


Its about love and forgiveness when you look at the lyrics as a whole. You could argue this is about falling in love with the wrong person (Judas instead of Jesus), but it goes much deeper than that. Believe it or not Gaga is a Christian rather you think she embodies it or not. The thing is she believes god loves everyone regardless of who they are.

Let’s break down the lyrics:

In the first verse she says she will wash his feet (an old Christian practice) and asks that he be forgiven for the lies even after he betrays me. Basically even though such a horrid act he is still human and no one is perfect.

In the second verse it goes on to say she could not “love a man so purely, even darkness forgave his crooked ways, I’ve learned love is like a brick, you can build a house or sink a dead body.” She is referring to the idea that even the worst of acts can be repented for if he would of asked, forgiveness was right there waiting for him. Judas of course did not choose to repent, but out of remorse for his treachery he committed suicide. If he had not fell guilty to greed with his love (described as a brick) in Jesus, he could in a sense “build a house” (helping spread the word), but due to his selfish act felt so bad he returned his ransom and hung himself (the dead body sunk by a brick).

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Now we’re to the bridge and this clarifies the entire meaning of the song.

” In the most Biblical sense, I am beyond repentance Fame hooker, prostitute wench, vomits her mind But in the cultural sense I just speak in future tense Judas kiss me if offenced, Or wear an ear condom next time”

The gospel said the son of man will go out as planned by god, “but woe the man who betrays the son of man. It would be better if he were not born.” He in essence committed the ultimate sin, but here Gaga is speaking as if she is Marry Magdalene . According to the new testament Jesus cleansed her of 7 demons and was the first to see Jesus after his resurrection not to mention this former prostitute was a disciple saved by Jesus. Mary knew from personal experience forgiveness was there for anyone to acquire, therefore Gaga speaking as if she were Mary would treat Judas the same rather or not he repented for he is still a man and she cannot judge him. Playing on the fact Mary was a former prostitute we get the last line of the bridge where she is inferring that if you don’t want to hear the truth (that we cannot judge Judas) then do not listen (get an ear condom).

We have to remember though what Judas did was a horrid act, that in a biblical sense this had to happen. It’s Christian belief. The bible tells us to love thy neighbor and that we are not to judge. We can’t judge people for who they are, rather a different race, religion, or sexual orientation. That’s the meaning of the song. Rather you agree by what she believes or not.

  Yoü And I

Hope this helps explain it.