Tony Romo’s children: How many kids does Tony Romo have?

Tony Romo’s children: How many kids does Tony Romo have?
Video tony romo daughter

Former Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo has made a name for himself off the field as a broadcaster for CBS Sports. Each week, he and Jim Nance call the highly talked about CBS Game of the Week. The former NFL quarterback gives an interesting critique of the game each week, sometimes leaving fans asking even more questions about what he meant.

Either way, as one of the highest-paid television broadcasters, he pulls many fans. But many are unaware of Romo’s family life dynamic.

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He and his wife Candice have three sons. Hawkins (10), Rivers (8), and Jones (5). The family still lives in Dallas, Texas.

While the former Cowboys quarterback isn’t an avid social media user, he does post pictures of his family, including his children. His family is always there to watch as he participates in golf tournaments throughout the year.

How did Tony Romo meet his wife, Candice?

Tony Romo and his wife Candice Crawford Romo got married in May 2011. They met in the summer of 2009 and got engaged in December 2010. They met while Candice was an intern at KTVT, the Dallas CBS affiliate. She is a journalism major at the University of Missouri. The couple met while Candice was covering the Dallas Cowboys and had the opportunity to interview the quarterback.

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After her internship, she pursued a career as a sports anchor and reporter and worked at KOMU-TV, an NBC affiliate. She also hosted a local talk show in Dallas called The Blitz, covering the Cowboys. She also hosted a lifestyle show in Dallas for a short period.

After Tony Romo retired from the NFL, his wife encouraged him to pursue a broadcast career of his own. In the past, she said, he would invite family and friends over to their home to watch NFL games so that they could analyze the plays together.

She said that his analysis became such a big deal that she bought him a pointer to use when reviewing the plays.

Now, he brings that commentary to televisions across the United States and shares it with fans.

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