After Post Telling Fans She’s Not Dead, Britney Spears’ Instagram Disappeared Again

After Post Telling Fans She’s Not Dead, Britney Spears’ Instagram Disappeared Again
Video is britney spears dead

Britney Spears is no stranger to going dark on Instagram. The popular singer has gotten rid of the app several times since she started posting regularly after the conservatorship ended, but following brief blackouts each time, she returned to social media. Exactly what’ll happen this go around is unclear, however, as the singer once again deleted the service, not long after she dropped a post reflecting on her past and telling fans she’s not dead.

The post in question was dropped late on Wednesday night and was a throwback video to her dancing at a nightclub with longtime friend Cade Hudson, who she recently went on vacation with. Spears reflected on the video and said she “cried like a baby” watching it, as it was one of only three times she went out during her entire four year Las Vegas residency. She said it was in stark contrast to her early years touring when she would go out to clubs all the time and sometimes go skinny dipping with her dancers in the ocean. Spears was hoping the video would be a reminder to her that she needs to get her “ass on the dance floor” and shake it. She said she’s not dead, with the implication being she needs to enjoy life more.

But then her Instagram went dark, leaving fans wondering what happened and why she decided to deactivate the service. When she’s left social media in the past, it has typically been following an inflammatory post or in the midst of a really chaotic personal life situation. There have been, of course, plenty of rumors about Britney Spears lately, but they’ve been relatively tame the past few weeks.

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At least they’ve been tame compared to what she normally goes through. A single day in the life of Britney Spears would be considered an all hands on deck PR situation for almost everyone else on Earth outside of the British Royal Family. Just last month, she was the subject of weird rumors about her alleged Red Bull usage and a supposed fascination with knives ahead of a tell-all documentary about her post-conservatorship life. There’s also been persistent rumors about alleged marriage problems and also a lot of talk about a reunion with her mom, but much of that conversation has died down in the past few weeks.

Ultimately, Britney Spears doesn’t owe any of us an explanation as to why she got rid of social media. She’ll probably be back, but maybe this time she’ll take a more permanent break. Either way, that’s her business, and if not being bombarded with constant opinions from the peanut gallery makes her happy, so be it. None of us know how she feels. I mean last year, the poor woman was victimized by near constant conspiracy theories about whether she was physically okay, all because she was dropping dancing videos from her old house. I can’t imagine her dropping a post telling people she’s not dead, only to go dark on Instagram will help quiet those absurd rumors, but I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

Regardless, I hope whatever Britney is doing, it’s making her happy. And if she doesn’t want to share her comings and goings with the world, then good for her.

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