Ranking Top 10 Most Popular League of Legends Champions

Ranking Top 10 Most Popular League of Legends Champions
Video league of legends champions by popularity

Every season in League of Legends has a mix of powerful and not-so-powerful champions. Popularity of each champion varies and we’ve done our research to bring you this list of the top 10 most popular League of Legends champions.

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1. Jinx:

No surprise here, Jinx is the most popular ADC in League of Legends. She was the protagonist of the movie released by Riot, Arcane, which gained her a ton of fame. In terms of her abilities, she’s a scaling champion, meaning she’s pretty limited in the laning phase. She needs to farm out the gate and restore her power early in the game. With enough items, she’s a powerful force to the enemies. Just know when and how to Hit & Run with her to stay clear of dangerous situations.

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2. Viktor:

Runner up is Viktor. Similar to Jinx, he was also in Arcane but playing as the villain. He’s a hyper-carry mid-laner which means his strengths are the strongest mid- and late-game. In the game of League of Legends, he can turn any ADC or squishy champions into dust. His weakness though is in the laning phase so be cautious of enemies when farming. Given his lack of ability to escape quickly, he does carry a red target on his back quite often.

3. Vi:

Third place goes to the sister of Jinx, the Piltover Enforcer, Vi. With the ability to demolish any enemy with her combos and lethal mythic items, it’s no surprise that she’s so high up on the list. She can move across walls with a long Q range and lock her enemies for the teammates to pick up the kills.

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4. Jayce:

Coming in at 4th most popular champion in League of Legends is Jayce. He’s got high scaling capabilities which makes him a powerful poke champion. With enough items, his damage is unparalleled. Need to attack an enemy top-laner with long-range attacks? Jayce is your guy. One tip is to do as much damage as possible with E and Q combos before engaging to surprise the enemy.

5. Caitlyn:

5th on the list is another strong early-game ADC, Caitlyn. She can crowd control during setting up traps in dark areas and bushes on the map but be aware, she can only target one champion enemy at a time. Unless they’re standing next to each other then she can attack several with her Q.

6. Gwen:

One of fan favorite top-laner has to be Gwen. The Hallowed Seamstress can slice up any enemy whether they’re regular champions or tankers. She’s a scaling champion so similar to the others, she’ll be weaker in the beginning. Focus on farming and collecting items as fast as possible early on. When used correctly, the strengths of Gwen is that she can deal a ton of damage to the enemy team.

7. Zeri:

Relatively new to the roster but already gaining quite the fame is the Spark of Zaun, Zeri. Her strengths are fast movement speed with her E and R, helping her escape most enemy attacks. Similar to most ADCs, she may not be so powerful early on but with enough items, she’s uncatchable with her fast speed. When playing with Zeri, remember to use W after E for better precision.

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8. Lux:

Lock down enemies with her Q, save teammates with her W, and do some serious damage with her E. Lux is a powerful mid-laner with high AP damage and easy combo. Want to wipe out an entire enemy team when they’re standing in a straight line? Lux can do that for you. She can also steal Baron and Dragons to revive her teammates which is a huge advantage.

9. Evelynn:

Evelynn can cross walls during dangerous positions which makes it easy to kill enemies and escape quickly. When playing with her, monitor your lanes to see which ones are winning and losing. Play in favor of winning lanes since her level 6 doesn’t have significant map pressure. So, you need to gank those lanes that are easily gank-able.

10. Viego:

Least popular on the list but perhaps the strongest of them all is Viego. He’s got excellent stun and invisibility capabilities, making it easier for him to execute ganks early on. With his powerful healing passive, he can duel 1v1 against the enemy jungler. He can easily escape dangerous situations and make use of it as well.