

2 Introduction The Office of Student Leadership & Activities has implemented the following evaluation system to improve the management and the quality of social fraternity and sorority organizations at Hofstra University. The results of the evaluation will be used to designate an organization as a 5-Star, 4-Star, 3- Star, 2-Star, or 1-Star organization. The intent of the Fraternity and Sorority Life 5-Star Program is to provide a framework by which Fraternity and Sorority organizations can quantify and document their activities and successes, while creating a tool by which they may be evaluated. There is a hope that the organizations will strive to attain a 5-Star rating, but a 3-Star is the baseline. Every chapter is expected to submit a 5 star program. One main point of this Program is to allow Fraternity and Sorority organizations to strive towards the mission of the University, as well as achieve organizational success. Fraternity and Sorority organizations will not be able to maintain status quo; continued improvement will always be expected. Your submissions will be reviewed by a Committee including the Assistant Director of the Office of Student Leadership & Activities and their Graduate Assistant. The Star Rating begins in September 1, 2014 (Fall Semester and runs through the academic year until April 13, end of Spring semester). The official Star Rating will be determined at the end of the Spring semester. At the end of the Fall semester, a mid-year rating will be determined in order to track the organization s progress within the Program. Purpose The Purpose of the 5-Star program is to encourage the Fraternity and Sorority Community to achieve higher standards, which showcase a positive image, successful operations and management, and chapter achievements. The 5-Star Program is a collection of standards that chapters are encouraged to accomplish in five key categories. Chapters will earn a star rating for each category in which the established requirements are accomplished. At the end of the academic year an average of the 5 categories will be taken to calculate the chapter s official star rating. Ratings will not be rounded up (eg. If your average is a 3.6 your official rating is a 3). A total of five stars may be earned by each chapter. The program will be administered on an academic year basis, running from September to April of each year. Chapters will be awarded their stars at the end of the spring semester so the marketing for the start of the following year will reflect the star status of the organization. Your 5 star packet will replace your application for Fraternity/Sorority of the year through the Division of Student Affairs Student Leadership Awards, in April (HSLA). 2

3 Rationale The 5-Star Program has been determined to showcase best practices in creating a positive and constructive Fraternity and Sorority community that is firmly based in its founding values. 1. Community: Instilling the values of their organizations and Hofstra University. The chapters form a strong unified community, as well as brotherhood/sisterhood within their chapter. They have an active recruitment process and help to form a positive image of Fraternity and Sorority Life. The organizations will work not only to strengthen their council but to work with the other councils as well. With a focus on developing Hofstra P.R.I.D.E., the members are to exemplify Hofstra s mission and values by serving as great role models for the Hofstra community, with clean judicial records and exemplary reputations on campus. 2. Academic Excellence: Positively affecting member s intellectual development. The chapter members excel in academics. The members should strive to be part of the Dean s List or Provost List every semester. The members should also be in honor societies within their major or scope of studies. At the minimum, members must excel beyond the GPA requirement to be involved in the organization. 3. Philanthropy & Service: Developing citizenship through service and outreach. The chapter members exemplify civic engagement while facilitating, as well as participating, in various service initiatives both on campus and off. 4. Leadership Development Developing leadership skills and abilities. The chapter members value leadership and work to continuously develop their own skills so as to apply those skills to the betterment of their organizations. Members are expected to be an engaged presence on campus and contribute to various leadership opportunities. 5. University Engagement As a diverse community, we expect that the students would stretch beyond their horizon and be involved in events that are either cultural, religious, gender-related, and political. It should be a focus to ensure our members are becoming well rounded students and global citizens. 3

4 Chapter Rating Scale Five Star Chapter – Premier Chapter The chapter has demonstrated eagerness towards achieving excellence in each of the 5 categories. The chapter is strong and knows the true purpose of why the organization was founded. A chapter that reaches 5 star has not only challenged itself but it has challenged each member to become better individuals. The organization has gone above and beyond to excel inside and outside Fraternity and Sorority Life. Four Star Chapter Exemplary Chapter A four star chapter has excelled in fulfilling the essential requirements. The chapter has challenged itself in becoming a better chapter. The chapter showcased exemplary Fraternity and Sorority unity through collaboration, support, and programming of all Fraternity and Sororitylettered organizations. Three Star Chapter – Standard Chapter The chapter has fulfilled all general baseline requirements that make the group a chapter that is viable. The chapter with a 3 star can do an analysis and focus on improving an area they feel is lacking. Two Star Chapter Probationary Chapter A chapter that is on probation and has not met the basic standards of a 3 star chapter. The chapter has an opportunity to regroup and hopefully fulfill the basic standards and become a 3 star chapter, by the following year. One Star Chapter Non-Compliant Chapter The chapter has demonstrated unsatisfactory performance. (By the next mid-semester check in the chapter must be performing at a 3-star level). Chapter with an average 1 star are usually on the verge of losing recognition at Hofstra University or Nationally. The entire chapter would need to use all of their resources (Hofstra advisor, alumni advisor, & national advisor if applicable) and work closely with OSLA to meet baseline standards by the following semester. If the chapter loses recognition, it will have to wait 4 years to reapply as an organization to the Expansion Committee. Instructions 1. Select an executive board member to be your 5-Star Chair. Due to the documentation involved in this process, it is wise to select someone who is organized and has good writing skills. At the request of the 5-Star Chair, they may meet with the Assistant Director and the Graduate Assistant to discuss general questions or issues involving the program or accreditation of an event. 2. Read through the ENTIRE 5-STAR PROGRAM. Make note of any questions you may have and make sure that you ask your 5 star chair those questions as soon as you select them. 3. Begin compiling all data immediately. Keep the binder or folder up to date. There will be a review at the conclusion of each semester: – Fall 2014: December 1-2, 2014 mid program data due to OSLA December 4, Spring 2015: April 2 3, 2014 final program data due to OSLA April 10, Only include activities between 9/1/14 through 4/10/15. Label each attachment with the category you believe it represents 4. YOU MUST SUBMIT A SIGN-IN SHEET and PHOTOS FOR ALL PROGRAMS/COMMUNITY SERVICE EVENTS YOUR ORGANIZATION PARTICIPATES OR LEADS IN. 5. Failure to submit the packet on a timely manner will result in dropping a star when calculating the average. 4

5 Reminders: New Members Count Toward All of Your Percentages. You Must Have the proper Sign In Sheet Form for Every Event and Must Include Pictures. Note: If a chapter is ranked a 2 star, during their review, they will have one year to increase their rating to the baseline (3-star). During that time, the chapter must continue to abide by all policies (University, IFSC, Council, and OSLA). When a chapter is found responsible for violating a University policy, the Office of Student Leadership & Activities or Community Standards will provide a list of sanctions that must be met. So long as a chapter is completing these sanctions, they may meet baseline requirements. Once baseline requirements are met and the chapter receives University recognition, they can use the star levels to measure chapter growth and development. Stars support the theoretical pillars of Fraternity & Sorority Life at Hofstra, and allow for discussion on the chapter s current state. Review of Chapters Chapters will be reviewed on an annual basis, beginning at the start of Fall term and a final rating will be given at the end of the Spring semester. Noncompliant Chapters Chapters not meeting baseline requirements during a review period may lose recognition with the University. Based on submitted information, the review committee may provide a suggestion of “Unrecognizing Status” from the University to the chapter. If the decision to be unrecognized is taken, the decision will be communicated to the chapter president, chapter advisory board, fraternal headquarters (if applicable) and Hofstra Expansion Committee. In accordance with past precedence, the University requests the removal of a charter for a minimum of four years before reaffiliation will be considered. After four years, campus and organizational climate will be assessed based on the shared desire for a successful chapter. This decision is made in conjunction with the Dean of Students and other administrators as well. 5

6 Fraternity & Sorority Life GPA Standards Chapter Requirement: Semester GPA s: In order to be a 3, 4 or 5-Star organization, the chapter must meet or exceed the following grade threshold for the Fall and Spring semesters. The chapter s Fall GPA s will be averaged in January and Spring GPA s will be averaged in June. A combined, weighted average of the two semesters will be calculated to determine star rating. o 5-Star: Above 3.20 GPA o 4-Star: GPA o 3-Star: GPA o 2-Star: GPA o 1-Star: Below 2.30 GPA Cumulative GPA: In order to meet the standard rating (a 3 star), the chapter s cumulative GPA must remain above a 2.60 at all times. Membership Requirement: To remain an Active Member of a Fraternity and Sorority organization, students must maintain a 2.30 cumulative GPA. Executive Board Requirement: Organization E-Board: In order to run for a position on the executive board of a Fraternity and sorority organization, a student must have a 2.3 Cumulative GPA. During the election semester, and throughout the term in office, the student must maintain the 2.3 Cumulative GPA, and each semester GPA must be above a 2.3 and must be a full time student. Council E-Board: In order to run for a position on the executive board of a Fraternity and sorority Council, a student must have a 2.5 Cumulative GPA. During the election semester, and throughout the term in office, the student must maintain the 2.5 Cumulative GPA, and each semester GPA must be above a 2.5 and must be a full time student. **PLEASE NOTE: Failure to comply with these Executive Board GPA requirements will result in the immediate removal of your Executive Board position within your organization and/or your Council. 6

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7 The Office of Student Leadership & Activities has established a set of minimum standards that must be maintained by all fraternities and sororities. Fraternities and sororities that fail to meet these standards (and receive lower than 3 star) may not be recognized by the University any longer. Regardless of your ranking, you must meet these requirements in order to be recognized as a Fraternity or Sorority: 1. Maintain chapter documentation, including: Member roster Officer and Advisor roster Signed Anti-Hazing Policy New Member Education calendar Updated bylaws Accepted Collegiate Link submission with an up-to-date roster Budget Proposal to IFSC 2. Attend Presidents Retreat every semester 3. Have an advisory board (Hofstra Campus Advisor, National Advisor (if applicable), and Alumni Advisor) 4. Chapter GPA must be 2.6 or above 5. Have a minimum of five members time student 6. Abide by all local, state and federal laws, Hofstra s Code of Conduct, the IFSC Constitutions and Bylaws, any additional council policies and procedures and Office of Student Leadership & Activities policies and guidelines. 7. Have a liability insurance of $1 million dollars, with Hofstra University named as additionally insured. Chapters not abiding by these requirements may lose recognition from the University. Chapter recognition will be evaluated on an annual basis at the end of each spring term. It is an expectation that all of our organizations strive for 5-Star status and at minimum, meet 3-Star status. Please continue reading for detailed guidelines of each status. 7

8 5-Star Rating Guidelines PREMIER ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Chapter GPA is above a 3.20 and is above the All-Fraternity and Sorority Average for the academic year. The chapter has a written academic plan including rewards and incentives to excel in school (attached) Over 20% of the chapter are members of Honorary Fraternities. Over 20% of the chapter are on the Dean List or Provost List. UNIVERSITY ENGAGEMENT The chapter has 0 incident reports through the Office of Student Leadership & Activities that academic year The chapter has 0 incidents of probation or suspension through Community Standards that academic year The chapter presents a workshop or informational session on a topic of their choosing each semester. Presentation topic must be appropriate and exemplify student leadership. Proof of presentation must be included (eg. PowerPoint slides with sign in sheet and photographs.) The chapter attends a workshop or informational session given by another Hofstra Greek organization each semester (must be a different organization each semester) 85% of the chapter attends an OSLA sponsored program or event each semester. (eg. First Fridays, Class Programming, Live Karaoke, etc.) 85% of the chapter attends a cultural program (eg. event hosted by MISPO, Heritage Month Programming, or cultural club event) each semester. 85% of the chapter attends all four Signature Council Events (IFSC, IFC, MFSC, Panhel.) LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT 70% or more of members including the president attend the Leader s with Letters Conference (Spring Fraternity and Sorority Leadership Conference.) 30% or more of members (preferably the Executive Board and potential Executive Board members) attend the Fall Student Leadership Conference Your organization s President or E-Board member attends the President s Retreat each semester. 100% of New Members attend Emerging Greek Member each semester The President of your organization attends 100% of the Presidents Meetings for the year. 100% of the chapter has an updated resume critiqued by the career center. 50% of the chapter participates in one or more Leadership Development offerings sponsored by OSLA (eg. PRIDE a la carte, Blue Leadership, Gold Leadership, Senior Seminar, Leadership Summit, etc.) Chapter creates a presentation to deliver at one of the Emerging Greek Member s meetings. Chapter will work with Graduate Assistant to develop a valuable topic and delivery method that is important for Emerging Greek Members to learn about. SERVICE / PHILANTHROPY The chapter has a total of at least 50 hours of service per member (Total Group Hours Members x 50) The chapter raises at least $50 per member for philanthropy (must be verified) (Total Amount Raised Members x $50) 85% of the Chapter participates in a service project/event recognized by OSLA (eg. OSLA s Serve with PRIDE series, donating clothing for Midnight Run, etc.) each semester. The chapter creates and hosts a new service initiative or philanthropic event, inviting other organizations (Greek or non-greek) to participate and/or donate. Greek student leaders are expected to use good judgment in deciding and planning an appropriate location, cause, method, and advertising for this OSLA sponsored event. **You must attach Community Service sign-in sheets and copy of receipts/checks/verification letters for money donated. PLEASE KEEP COPIES FOR YOUR RECORDS!! ** 8

9 COMMUNITY The Chapter attends all required IFSC and Council events with 85% attendance at each event (this includes one or more events during Greek Week, Fall Festival, Hofstra Celebrates the Holidays, etc.) The chapter holds an event or participates in a Hofstra sponsored event with another Fraternity and Sorority organization (from a different council) each semester (must be a different organization each semester) *Mixers do not qualify. The chapter holds an event or participates in a Hofstra sponsored event with one non-fraternity and Sorority organization, each semester (must be a different organization each semester) *Mixers do not qualify. The chapter holds an event or participates in a Hofstra sponsored event with a Fraternity and Sorority organization within its governing council each semester (must be a different organization each semester) *Mixers do not qualify. The chapter has a new member class each semester. The chapter has more than 10 members throughout the year. HEALTH & WELLNESS The chapter presents a workshop or informational session on a topic of their choosing each semester. Presentation topic must be appropriate and exemplify health and wellness. Proof of presentation must be included (e.g. PowerPoint slides with sign in sheet and photographs.) The chapter attends a workshop or informational session given by department of Recreation and Intramural Sports, Student Counseling Services, or Health and Wellness Center (ANY OTHER SUGGESTIONS WELCOMED) each semester (must be a different workshop each semester) 80% of the chapter participates in 2 group exercise classes each semester. 80% of the chapter participates in one intramural sport season/tournament/special event *Participation in an intramural sport season requires participation in 80% of team s games All percentages include New Members. You must have activity sign in sheets and photos attached for each program or event your organization attends and/or facilitates. 9

10 4-Star Rating Guidelines EXEMPLARY ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Chapter GPA is 2.80 or higher for the academic year and is above the All Fraternity and Sorority Average. The chapter has a written academic plan including rewards and incentives to excel in school (attach) 20% of the chapter are members of Honorary Fraternities. 20% of the chapter are on the Dean List or Provost List. UNIVERSITY ENGAGEMENT The chapter has 0 incident reports through the Office of Student Leadership & Activities that academic year The chapter has 0 incidents of probation or suspension through Community Standards that academic year The chapter presents a workshop or informational session on a topic of their choosing. Presentation topic must be appropriate and exemplify student leadership. Proof of presentation must be included (eg. PowerPoint slides with sign in sheet and photographs.) The chapter attends a workshop or informational session given by another Hofstra Greek organization 80% of the chapter attends an OSLA sponsored program or event. (eg. First Fridays, Class Programming, Live Karaoke, etc.) 80% of the chapter attends a cultural program (eg. Heritage Month Programming, or cultural club event) 80% of the chapter attends three Signature Council Events (IFSC, IFC, MFSC, Panhel,) including their own council. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT 50% (or more) of members including the president attend the Leader s with Letters Conference (Spring Fraternity and Sorority Leadership Conference.) 20% (or more) of members (preferably the Executive Board) attend the Fall Student Leadership Conference Your organization s President or representative of your organization attends the President s Retreat each semester. 100% of New Members attend Emerging Greek Member each semester The President of your organization attends 100% of the Presidents Meetings for the year. 100% of the chapter has an updated resume critiqued by the career center. Chapter participates in one or more Leadership Development offerings sponsored by OSLA with at least 25% of members in attendance (eg. PRIDE a la carte, Blue Leadership, Gold Leadership, Senior Seminar, Leadership Summit, etc.) SERVICE / PHILANTHROPY The chapter has a total of at least 40 hours of service per member (Total Group Hours Members x 40) The chapter raises at least $40 per member for a philanthropy event (must be verified) (Total Amount Raised Members x $40) 80% of the Chapter participates in a service project/event recognized by OSLA (eg. OSLA s Serve with PRIDE series, donating clothing for Midnight Run, etc.) or their own university wide service event. The chapter creates and hosts a new service initiative or philanthropic event, inviting other organizations (Greek or non-greek) to participate and/or donate. Greek student leaders are expected to use good judgment in deciding and planning an appropriate location, cause, method, and advertising for this OSLA sponsored event. **You must attach Community Service sign-in sheets and copy of receipts/checks/verification letters for money donated PLEASE KEEP COPIES FOR YOUR RECORDS!!** COMMUNITY The Chapter attends all required IFSC and Council events with 85% attendance at each event (this includes one or more events during Greek Week, Fall Festival, Hofstra Celebrates the Holidays, etc.) 10

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11 The chapter holds an event or participates in a Hofstra sponsored event with another Fraternity and Sorority organization (from a different council) each semester (must be a different organization each semester) *Mixers do not qualify. The chapter holds an event or participates in a Hofstra sponsored event with one non-fraternity and Sorority organization, each semester (must be a different organization each semester) *Mixers do not qualify. The chapter holds an event or participates in a Hofstra sponsored event with a Fraternity and Sorority organization within its governing council each semester (must be a different organization each semester) *Mixers do not qualify. The chapter has a new member class each semester. The chapter has a minimum of 10 members throughout the year. HEALTH & WELLNESS The chapter presents a workshop or informational session on a topic of their choosing each semester. Presentation topic must be appropriate and exemplify health and wellness. Proof of presentation must be included (e.g. PowerPoint slides with sign in sheet and photographs.) The chapter attends a workshop or informational session given by department of Recreation and Intramural Sports, Student Counseling Services, or Health and Wellness Center (ANY OTHER SUGGESTIONS WELCOMED) each semester (must be a different workshop each semester) 75% of the chapter participates in 2 group exercise classes each semester. 75% of the chapter participates in one intramural sport season/tournament/special event *Participation in an intramural sport season requires participation in 75% of team s games All percentages include New Members. You must have activity sign in sheets and photos attached for each program or event your organization attends and/or facilitates. 11

12 3-Star Rating Guidelines STANDARD ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE The chapter GPA is a 2.60 or higher for the academic year. 10% of the chapter are members of Honorary Fraternities. 10% of the chapter are on the Dean List or Provost List. UNIVERSITY ENGAGEMENT The chapter has 0 incident reports through the Office of Student Leadership & Activities that academic year. The chapter has 0 incidents of probation or suspension through Community Standards that academic year. The chapter presents a workshop or informational session on a topic of their choosing. Presentation topic must be appropriate and exemplify student leadership. Proof of presentation must be included (eg. PowerPoint slides with sign in sheet and photographs.) The chapter attends a workshop or informational session given by another Hofstra Greek organization. 75% of the chapter attends an OSLA sponsored program or event. (eg. First Fridays, Class Programming, Live Karaoke, etc.) 75% of the chapter attends a cultural program (eg. Heritage Month Programming or cultural club event) 75% of the chapter attends two Signature Council Events (IFSC, IFC, MFSC, Panhel,) including their own council. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT 30% of members including the president attend the Leader s with Letters Conference (Spring Fraternity and Sorority Leadership Conference.) 10% of members (preferably the Executive Board) attend the Fall Student Leadership Conference Your organization s President or representative of your organization attends the President s Retreat each semester. 100% of New Members attend Emerging Greek Member each semester The President of your organization attends at least 75% of the Presidents Meetings for the year. 100% of the chapter has an updated resume critiqued by the career center. SERVICE / PHILANTHROPY The chapter has a total of at least 30 hours of service per member (Total Group Hours Members x 30) The chapter raises at least $30 per member for philanthropy (must be verified) (Total Amount Raised Members x $30) 75% of the Chapter participates in a service project/event recognized by OSLA (eg. OSLA s Serve with PRIDE series, donating clothing for Midnight Run, etc.) **You must submit Community Service sign-in sheets and copy of receipts/checks/verification letters for money donated, PLEASE KEEP COPIES FOR YOUR RECORDS!!** COMMUNITY The Chapter attends all required IFSC and Council events with 75% attendance at each event (this includes one or more events during Greek Week, Fall Festival, Hofstra Celebrates the Holidays, etc.) The chapter holds an event or participates in a Hofstra sponsored event with another Fraternity and Sorority organization (from a different council) *Mixers do not qualify The chapter holds an event or participates in a Hofstra sponsored event with one non-fraternity and Sorority organization *Mixers do not qualify The chapter holds an event or participates in a Hofstra sponsored event with a Fraternity and Sorority organization within its governing council. *Mixers do not qualify The chapter has a new member class each semester. The chapter has a minimum of 5 members throughout the year. 12

13 HEALTH & WELLNESS The chapter presents a workshop or informational session on a topic of their choosing. Presentation topic must be appropriate and exemplify health and wellness. Proof of presentation must be included (e.g. PowerPoint slides with sign in sheet and photographs.) The chapter attends a workshop or informational session given by department of Recreation and Intramural Sports, Student Counseling Services, or Health and Wellness Center (ANY OTHER SUGGESTIONS WELCOMED) (must be a different workshop each semester) 75% of the chapter participates in 2 group exercise classes. 75% of the chapter participates in one intramural sport season/tournament/special event *Participation in an intramural sport season requires participation in 75% of team s games 13

14 2-Star Rating Guidelines PROBATIONARY ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Chapter GPA is below 2.6 and is below the All-Fraternity and Sorority Average for the 2013 calendar year. Less than 10% of the chapter members became inactive because GPA fell below 2.3. UNIVERSITY ENGAGEMENT The chapter has had 1 incident report through the Office of Student Leadership & Activities that academic year The chapter has been placed on probation or suspension through Community Standards during the academic year The chapter does not present a workshop or informational session. The chapter does not attend a workshop or informational session given by another Hofstra Greek organization. Less than 50% of the chapter attends an OSLA sponsored program or event. Less than 50% of the chapter attends a cultural program (eg. Heritage Month Programming or cultural club event) Less than 50% of the chapter attends less than two Signature Council Events. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Less than 30% of members attend the Leader s with Letters Conference (Spring Fraternity and Sorority Leadership Conference.) Less than 10% of members attend the Fall Student Leadership Conference Your organization s President or representative of your organization does not attend the President s Retreat each semester. Less than 50% of New Members attend Emerging Greek Member each semester The President of your organization does not attend at least 75% of the Presidents Meetings for the year. Less than 50% of the chapter has a resume critiqued by the Career Center. SERVICE / PHILANTHROPY The chapter has less than 20 hours of service per member (Total Group Hours < Members x 20) The chapter raises less than $20 per member for philanthropy (must be verified) (Total Amount Raised < Members x $20) Less than 50% of the Chapter participates in a service project/event recognized by OSLA (eg. OSLA s Serve with PRIDE series, donating clothing for Midnight Run, etc.) **You must attach Community Service sign-in sheets and copy of receipts/checks/verification letters for money donated. PLEASE KEEP COPIES FOR YOUR RECORDS!! ** COMMUNITY The Chapter does not attend all required IFSC and Council events and has less than 50% attendance at each event (this includes Greek Week, Fall Festival, Hofstra Celebrates the Holidays, etc.) The chapter does not hold an event or participates in a Hofstra sponsored event with another Fraternity and Sorority organization (from a different council) The chapter does not holds an event or participates in a Hofstra sponsored event with one non-fraternity and Sorority organization The chapter does not hold an event or participates in a Hofstra sponsored event with a Fraternity and Sorority organization within its governing council The chapter does not have a new member class each semester. The chapter does not have a minimum of 5 members throughout the year. 14

15 ** 2-STAR PROBATIONARY STATUS ** 2-Star Probation Status If you fail to complete all of the minimum requirements for 3-Star Accreditation, you will be placed on a 2-Star Probation. Please see below probation sanctions. If you are on 2-Star Probation for one year without improvement, you will be placed on 1-Star Probation for the following year. You must complete all requirements for 3-Star Accreditation by the next review period (December.) If you meet all requirements for 3-Star Accreditation you will be permitted to operate as a 3 star organization for the spring semester. Please note: this standard must be maintained for the Spring semester. For the following semester (Fall 2013) recruitment and new member education will be conducted and overseen by nationals. Nationals alone will have full authority of recruitment, education and initiation. If you do not complete all requirement for 3-Star Accreditation by the next review period (December) your chapter will not be permitted to take a new member class in the Spring semester. You may not host or co-sponsor any programs or events (unless it is to fulfill a 3-Star requirement.) All events and room requisitions must be approved by the Assistant Director of OSLA You may not participate in Fall Festival (fall semester) You may not participate in Greek Week (spring semester if you did not meet 3-star requirements by December) You may not vote in Council meetings Your president must meet with the Assistant Director and Graduate Assistant in OSLA on a bi-weekly basis to go over the chapter goals and progress You may participate in community service events You must work with your National advisor (if applicable) to create an action plan to improve your chapter in consultation with the Assistant Director in the Office of Student Leadership & Activities Your National advisor must send the Assistant Director of OSLA monthly updates to ensure the chapter is operating efficiently and moving in the right direction. 15

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16 1-Star Rating Guidelines NON-COMPLIANT ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Chapter GPA is lower than a % or more of members become inactive because GPA fell below a 2.3. UNIVERSITY ENGAGEMENT The chapter has had 2 or more incident reports through the Office of Student Leadership & Activities that academic year The chapter has been placed on probation or suspension through Community Standards or OSLA during the academic year The chapter does not present a workshop or informational session. The chapter does not attend a workshop or informational session given by another Hofstra Greek organization. Less than 25% of the chapter attends an OSLA sponsored program or event. Less than 25% of the chapter attends a cultural program (eg. Heritage Month Programming or cultural club event) Less than 25% of the chapter attends less than two Signature Council Events. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Less than 30% of members attend the Leader s with Letters Conference (Spring Fraternity and Sorority Leadership Conference.) Less than 10% of members attend the Fall Student Leadership Conference Your organization s President or representative of your organization does not attend the President s Retreat each semester. Less than 25% of New Members attend Emerging Greek Member each semester The President of your organization does not attend at least 75% of the Presidents Meetings for the year. Less than 25% of the chapter has a resume critiqued by the Career Center. SERVICE / PHILANTHROPY The chapter has a total of less than 10 hours of service per member (Total Group Hours < Members x 10) The chapter raises less than $10 per member for philanthropy (must be verified) (Total Amount Raised < Members x $10) Less than 25% of the Chapter participates in a service project/event recognized by OSLA (eg. OSLA s Serve with PRIDE series, donating clothing for Midnight Run, etc.) **You must attach Community Service sign-in sheets and copy of receipts/checks/verification letters for money donated. PLEASE KEEP COPIES FOR YOUR RECORDS!! ** COMMUNITY The Chapter does not attend all required IFSC and Council events and has less than 25% attendance at each event (this includes one or more events during Greek Week, Fall Festival, Hofstra Celebrates the Holidays, etc.) The chapter does not hold an event or participates in a Hofstra sponsored event with another Fraternity and Sorority organization (from a different council) *Mixers do not qualify The chapter does not holds an event or participates in a Hofstra sponsored event with one non-fraternity and Sorority organization *Mixers do not qualify The chapter does not hold an event or participates in a Hofstra sponsored event with a Fraternity and Sorority organization within its governing council *Mixers do not qualify The chapter does not have a new member class each semester. The chapter does not have a minimum of 5 members throughout the year. 16

17 * 1-STAR SANCTIONED STATUS * 1-Star Probation Status If you are on a 2-Star Probation Status for one year, you will automatically be placed on a 1-Star Probation for the following year. You must follow all of the probationary sanctions for 2-Star and the additional sanctions below. You must complete all requirements for 3-Star Accreditation within one academic year. If you meet all requirements for 3-Star Accreditation you will be permitted to operate as a 3 star organization for the following year. You may not take a new member class. Your charter and existence at this campus will be under review by the Assistant Director, Associate Director, and Executive Director of OSLA if you are still on 1-Star Probation Status at the end of one academic year. What if a president cannot attend the Presidents’ Retreat? It is a hope that all chapter presidents will plan ahead to attend this retreat. However, it is understood that academics and work obligations are a priority. Therefore, another member (Vice President or Treasurer) of the chapter will attend in the president’s place. Does violating a policy (i.e. IFSC, or Council bylaws, recruitment rules) mean that my chapter is automatically unrecognized by the University? Not necessarily. If your chapter is found responsible by the Office of Student Leadership & Activities or the University for violating a policy, sanctions may be applied. So long as those sanctions are being completed in a timely manner, your chapter is showing its responsibility to correcting the action that took place. Therefore, your chapter will continue to be recognized. However, sanctions in this area can be taken into account when reviewing the overall success of your chapter over the course of the year. How much information needs to be included in the New Member Education Calendar? Date for meetings, events, ceremonies, initiation week and initiation should be submitted along with a general description of each. DO NOT submit anything that is Ritual. Only submit public information. How will the results be posted? Results for the baseline requirements are located on the Fraternity and Sorority Life website and are updated on a continual basis. Results from all chapters will be posted on your section. A warning status means the chapter is either under sanctions from the Office of Student Leadership & Activities or University or has not submitted the proper material to complete the requirement. All results are public. 17

18 Fraternity & Sorority Life 5-Star Event Sign In Sheet PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Name of Organization Submitting this Form: Name of Organization Hosting the Event: Name of Program/Event: Date of Event: How does this event count towards the 5-Star Program? Please give a brief description of the event, including an estimate of how many people attended: Was any money raised during the Program/Event? If so, how much money was raised? How much money did your organization donate? Were any items collected and donated during your program? If so, what was collected? Quantity: Please make sure to fill out BOTH SIDES of this form COMPLETELY or it will not be accepted REMINDER: YOU MUST ATTACH A PHOTO OF YOUR MEMBERS AT THE EVENT TO RECEIVE CREDIT 18

19 Fraternity & Sorority Life 5-Star Event Sign In Sheet Organization: Date of Event: Program/Event Name: NAME HOFSTRA ID NAME HOFSTRA ID Administrator s Signature (please sign below the last student signature) Total # of Students: 19

20 Fraternity & Sorority Life 5-Star Group Service Report PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Name of Organization Submitting this Form: Participant Name: Name of Service Site: Hofstra ID#: Date of Service: Total # of Service Hours: Please give a brief description of the service project you did: Please list the tasks you accomplished and/or your responsibilities on this service project: Population Served: Children (<18 years old) Adult (18-65 years old) Elderly (<65 years old) Animals Environment All Other: Site/Agency Contact Information By signing this form, you indicate that you have accepted all volunteers at the site listed above, that you have provided appropriate training and/or orientation required for this project, and that this time record accurately reflects all of the volunteer s service. Site Supervisor Signature Date Phone Number Address Street Address City State Zip Please make sure to fill out BOTH SIDES of this form COMPLETELY or it will not be accepted REMINDER: YOU MUST ATTACH A PHOTO OF YOUR MEMBERS AT THE EVENT TO RECEIVE CREDIT 20

21 Fraternity & Sorority Life 5-Star Group Service Report PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Service Log Team Members Date Name Hofstra ID # # Hours TOTAL AMOUNT OF HOURS: Site Supervisor Signature: PLEASE NOTE: Site Supervisor MUST sign this page in order for your organization to receive credit for those service hours 21

22 Fraternity & Sorority Life 5-Star Individual Service Report PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Name of Organization Submitting this Form: Participant Name: Name of Service Site: Hofstra ID#: Date of Service: Total # of Service Hours: Please give a brief description of the service project you did: Please list the tasks you accomplished and/or your responsibilities on this service project: Population Served: Children (<18 years old) Adult (18-65 years old) Elderly (<65 years old) Animals Environment All Other: Site/Agency Contact Information By signing this form, you indicate that you have accepted all volunteers at the site listed above, that you have provided appropriate training and/or orientation required for this project, and that this time record accurately reflects all of the volunteer s service. Site Supervisor Signature Date Phone Number Address Street Address City State Zip Please make sure to fill out BOTH SIDES of this form COMPLETELY or it will not be accepted REMINDER: YOU MUST ATTACH A PHOTO OF YOUR MEMBERS AT THE EVENT TO RECEIVE CREDIT 22

23 Fraternity & Sorority Life 5-Star Individual Service Report PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Service Log Date # of Hours Site Supervisor Signature TOTAL AMOUNT OF HOURS: PLEASE NOTE: Site Supervisor MUST sign for each date of service in order for your organization to receive credit for those service hours 23