Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 Achievement Guide

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 Achievement Guide
Video tiger woods 11 course list

Overview: – Estimated achievement difficulty: 2/10 – Offline: 23 – Online: 11 – Approximate amount of time to 200/1000: 20-25 hours – Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1 FedExCup, 48 Skills Challenged, 1 Ryder Cup – Number of missable achievements: 0 – Do cheat codes disable achievements?: N/A – Does difficulty affect achievements?: No – Glitchy achievements: None – Unobtainable achievements: None – Extra equipment needed?: No You may have to play a few extra rounds to get some of the leftover achievements after the Skills Challenge, etc.Introduction: Tiger Woods PGA Tour ’11 is the sixth installment for the Xbox 360. This year there is an emphasis on Team Play with the addition of 12v12 online matches, as well as the Ryder Cup in single player. The new Focus Meter has you making decisions before and during every shot. Add power or spin to your shot, or use it on a putt preview. Make shots without using Focus, and you will refill some of your Focus Meter. Other features like PGA Season, GamerNet challenges, the FedExCup, and online tournaments make their return.Achievement Synopsis: The achievement list this year is a lot easier than the past few years. A lot are stackable for getting a certain amount of birdies/eagles, climbing your way to Level 7, or accumulating GamerNet points. While there are more achievements this year than last, they are generally easier. Several involve simply entering a match under certain criteria or even taking a survey. The online achievements require very little time to get, so long as you can organize or find a 12v12 match. The rest of the online ones should only take a day or so. If you are renting or borrowing this game, you will either be required to buy a $10 Online Pass, or start a 7-Day free trial of the online features. Seven days is plenty of time to get these achievements but to be safe make sure to do them when you know you have the time. Building your created golfer’s XP first will help with the online achievements, so it would probably be best if you did single player stuff first.Step #1: Skills Challenges and building XP After the game’s opening tutorial, I suggest diving into the Skills Challenges. A lot of them don’t require playing full rounds and you get good XP for doing them. After completing all 48 of them, you can keep re-doing the last one for some very easy XP. It nets you 5,000 XP each time, and 100,000 is required to reach Level 7. Level 10 is the max level, and it is up to you if you want to get yourself there to unlock more items in the shop, but is not required for any achievements. Periodically visit the shop to purchase upgraded clubs and accessories to improve your game. Doing these challenges will help you accumulate some birdies/eagles for several stackable achievements, and you’ll get several more for some of the simplest of tasks.Step #2: Ryder Cup and FedExCup The Ryder Cup is cake. Following the method in the achievement guide, and you can get the two achievements for them in one round. The FedExCup is apart of your PGA Tour Season, and winning it is one of the two achievements in that mode. The other has you making three straight cuts during a season. It’s best to do these two achievements in two different years. In your first season, set your season to “FedExCup Only” and to one round tournaments. Winning all 4 tournaments in the FedExCup is not required, but you need to either; a) Have the most Cup points after all 4 tournaments or b) be in the Top 5 and WIN the last tournament. For your second season, you will then go for making three straight cuts. Set your rounds to 4 (the rest won’t matter). If your golfer’s stats are good enough, you can simulate the first three rounds and just play the last. To be safe, you might want to play one round to make the cut and the last to win the tournament.Step #3: Xbox Live Your golfer should have high stats by now which will make GamerNet considerably easier. Look for unbusted clips and plug away at 10,000 points. 18 hole challenges can net you big points, but will be a large waste of time if you fail late. Long drive challenges can be re-tried quickly, but some are very difficult and depend largely on the wind. It’s your choice really, whatever you feel comfortable with. I suggest you lean toward medium difficulty 9 or 18 hole challenges however. While on the subject of GamerNet, you will need to post your own clip, and beat a “Daily” GamerNet challenge that pop up mid-round in single player. The other online achievements don’t require skill, but rather participation. Start any user tournament with ball paths turned on (should be the default). Complete 18 holes of Play-the-Pros (score doesn’t matter), and play in a 12v12 Team Play match. Look for lobbies or create your own to get the max amount of people. Sometimes events are organized on the x360a forums to help get this too, so keep an eye out.Conclusion: Use the achievement guide to help get whatever else is left. If you followed the map correctly, you shouldn’t have much left anyways, and whatever that may be probably didn’t matter much which order you did them in.

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[x360a would like to thank litepink for this road map]