Did Patrick Mahomes’ agents part ways? Meet NFL super agents Leigh Steinberg and Chris Cabott

Did Patrick Mahomes’ agents part ways? Meet NFL super agents Leigh Steinberg and Chris Cabott

Patrick Mahomes was represented by two of the best agents in the business in Leigh Steinberg and Chris Cabott. Unfortunately, those two agents are going their separate ways now.

What was once the most dynamic duo in sports agencies is now two individuals. However, they will both remain with Mahomes, just from separate agencies.

According to the Sports Business Journal, Cabbot will rebrand and Steinberg will keep his agency, the one the two were a part of. They will remain partners for the Chiefs MVP but will work separately. It appears they still have a friendly relationship even after the split.

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Steinberg thanked Cabott in a statement:

Cabott announced his rebranding as well:

This is not terribly uncommon as agents leave agencies all the time, often to form their own. At some point, they may feel that they have a shot at running things themselves and they go to pursue that.

That often means their biggest athletes leave the company and go with them. For Steinberg, that won’t happen since the Chiefs star is still with both agents.

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What does this mean for Patrick Mahomes?

Ultimately, this doesn’t change much for Patrick Mahomes. The Super Bowl-winner doesn’t have much to do with this.

Patrick Mahomes won the Super Bowl

He will still be represented by both agents like he was before. The only difference now is that one is with a new agency. That changes things for them and likely changes the type and amount of paperwork, but most of that is on their end, not Patrick Mahomes’ end.

He will continue to play and communicate with both as he has for most of his career thus far.

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