Drew Brees tries to explain why his three sons aren’t Saints fans

Drew Brees tries to explain why his three sons aren’t Saints fans
Video what school does drew brees kids go to

Saints quarterback Drew Brees was filming a Father’s Day commercial with his 3-year-old son recently when he found out some rough news: His son’s not a Saints fan.

In the commercial, which has been airing around the country for the past week, Callen Brees is asked which NFL team he likes the most.

“My favorite football team is New York or Carolina,” he says.

As it turns out, Callen isn’t the only member of the Brees household who has a favorite team that’s not the Saints. Callen’s two brothers, who are 7 and 5, like the Giants.

This obviously begs the question: WHAT’S GOING ON HERE?

The Saints quarterback joined the Dan Patrick Show recently and tried to explain exactly why his sons aren’t cheering for the Saints.

“I don’t know what gets into these kids’ heads to be honest with you, ” Brees said. “The [older] two go to Newman [school] here in New Orleans, which is where Eli [Manning] and Odell Beckham both went to school, so there’s a little bit of school pride and loyalty. I tried to tell them that blood’s thicker than water, but they didn’t quite get that yet.”

That makes sense. Isidore Newman School is a kindergarten through 12th grade private school in New Orleans. Besides Eli and Odell, Peyton Manning also attended the school.

The Saints aren’t the most popular team in the Brees household. Twitter/DrewBrees

Brees didn’t seem very hurt by the fact that his sons like the Giants. However, he did seem a little bummed out that his 3-year-old son was a fan of the Panthers.

“Callen, my youngest, is like super loyal to dad,” Brees said. “When asked [during the commercial] what his favorite number was, he said ‘Dad’s number, number 9.’ They were like, what’s your favorite team, he’s like, ‘Carolina.’ I was like, ‘WHAT!'”

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Maybe Callen likes cats?

Anyway, Brees is already planning his payback.

“I’m just going to have to take it out on them in the yard when they want to try to play football or basketball,” Brees said.

That’s the perfect payback and Father’s Day seems like the perfect day to do it.