NFL trade deadline: Will Todd Gurley be signed by an NFL team?

NFL trade deadline: Will Todd Gurley be signed by an NFL team?

Todd Gurley has been to the top, bottom and everywhere in between during his time in the NFL. He’s been a franchise running back on a Super Bowl-calibre squad and played on a poor Atlanta Falcons roster. But this is easily the most surprising season for Gurley.

Eight weeks into the 2021 NFL season, Todd Gurley is still a free agent. Will Gurley finally get a job as mid-season rolls around and the NFL trade deadline arrives?

Will Todd Gurley get a job?

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Gurley has been waiting for a call for quite a while, but he has reason to be hopeful as the trade deadline approaches. The running back’s failure to land on a roster so far could work in his favor.

Up to this point, NFL teams have looked at the shiny, active NFL rosters of other teams to get players that would improve them. They’ve seen potentially less talented players than Gurley as more attractive solutions since they’re already in game shape. However, in about a week, those options will be locked behind the steel curtain of the trade deadline.

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After November 2nd, NFL teams will no longer be allowed to trade players. Meaning, NFL teams will have to rely on the free agent market to add talent to their roster. With Gurley being one of the top players on the free market, interest in him will see a resurgence. This is great for Gurley as he could go from undesirable to a hot commodity overnight.

Gurley may find himself in a bidding war. Teams hoping for a quick fix will be eager to sign Gurley.

Gurley offers plenty of playoff experience. With the season on the line, Gurley will not crumple in January. Just two seasons ago, Gurley had 12 touchdowns and nearly 1000 yards with the Los Angeles Rams. If he can emulate anything close to that with his next team, he would be a fantastic acquisition.

Having missed half the season, Gurley will have no bruises, bumps, fatigue, or lingering injuries. The running back will be completely fresh. That said, Gurley’s injury history may still give teams some jitters about signing him. However, the running back’s already missed half the season, so the odds are good that he won’t run into the ground in what could easily be a workload of fewer than ten games.

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In any case, if Gurley doesn’t find a job within a few weeks of the trade deadline, it will be time for the running back to face facts. The NFL doesn’t want Gurley and his time in the league may be over. Will Gurley finally find a home in November?

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