“Is he the mo***rf**ker or is he the joke?” – When Cam Newton made Logan Paul run routes after YouTuber’s boastful stance on the league 

“Is he the mo***rf**ker or is he the joke?” – When Cam Newton made Logan Paul run routes after YouTuber’s boastful stance on the league 
Video logan paul cam newton

Cam Newton hasn’t played in the NFL since last season, but he was a great quarterback during his peak years. He won an MVP Award and took the Carolina Panthers on a Super Bowl trip as well.

Back in 2020, Newton and famous YouTuber turned WWE fighter Logan Paul collaborated on a video in which Paul ran routes to show Newton how great of an athlete he is.

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Logan Paul has always been athletic and played football in high school. He looked decent while catching the balls that Newton threw at him. However, the former New England Patriots quarterback continued to increase the difficulty for Paul.

Here’s what Cam Newton said to Logan Paul before asking him to run a pretty good route and catch the ball:

Logan Paul did catch the throw on that difficult route and proved to Cam Newton that he is the real deal. Both Paul brothers have proven to the world that they are more than just entertainers and can rock with elite athletes.

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Logan Paul was doing exceptionally well in the WWE before suffering a devastating injury, whereas his brother Jake Paul is rising through the ranks of boxing.

Why is Cam Newton no longer in the NFL?

Cam Newton: Carolina Panthers v Buffalo Bills

Following his exciting tenure with the Carolina Panthers, Cam Newton signed with the New England Patriots. He was their quarterback in the 2020/2021 season but was replaced by Mac Jones the following season.

The Patriots released him and Newton signed with the Panthers again. He didn’t play well for the Panthers last season, and as a result, no team is now interested in getting him back into the league.

It is highly unlikely that the 2015 NFL MVP will be back in the league, as he is already enjoying his time away from the NFL. Newton has been actively uploading videos on YouTube as well as enjoying playing Madden with other people around the world.

Fans still miss Newton as he was a sight to watch when he was healthy. So far in his NFL career, he has thrown for 32,382 yards, 194 touchdowns, and 123 interceptions. He has also run for 5,628 yards and 75 touchdowns in his career.

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