“He actually told me don’t tell anybody” – Kyler Murray’s former hairdresser reveals bizarre conversation with QB where he called black women messy

“He actually told me don’t tell anybody” – Kyler Murray’s former hairdresser reveals bizarre conversation with QB where he called black women messy

Arizona Cardinals’ Kyler Murray made the news for a bizarre reason after his former hairdresser revealed a strange story about the quarterback.

While on the Matty Ice Show, Swanny, Murray’s ex-hair-dresser, revealed how she became mad when the quarterback insulted black women and asked her to put some pants on while cutting his hair.

Swanny said:

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She continued:

Kyler Murray has had an interesting offseason

NFC Wild Card Playoffs - Arizona Cardinals v Los Angeles Rams

Kyler Murray’s name has been in the news frequently this offseason. Ever since the Cardinals’ 2021-22 season ended with a loss to the Los Angeles Rams in the wildcard round, Murray has pushed for a new deal. When the offseason workout program started in mid-April, Murray was a no-show, fueling speculation that he possibly wanted out of Arizona.

In February, ESPN’s Chris Mortensen reported that the Cardinals were concerned about Kyler Murray.

Murray, at one point, unfollowed the Cardinals on social media.

He cleared the air over his future, saying he wanted to win multiple Super Bowls with the Cardinals.

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Murray said:

In three seasons, the Cardinals starter is 22-23-1. He has thrown for 11,480 yards, 70 touchdowns and 34 interceptions. He has also accumulated an additional 1,786 yards rushing and 20 rushing touchdowns.

Murray and the Cardinals may not get a long-term deal hammered out before the start of the 2022-23 season, but he is expected to get one sooner rather than later.


If you use any quotes, please credit Chris Mortensen, Swanny, Kyler Murray and H/T Sportskeeda.


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