5 Humanitarian and charitable efforts by Aaron Rodgers

5 Humanitarian and charitable efforts by Aaron Rodgers

Aaron Rodgers is one of the highest earning players in NFL history. At the conclusion of the 2021/22 NFL season, he has totaled $263.6 million across his career with the Green Bay Packers. His income currently has him ranked third on the all-time earnings list in NFL history.

Rodgers also recently signed a massive contract extension with the Packers worth $50.3 million in average annual value (AAV). This makes him the first athlete in American sports history to sign a contract that exceeds $50 million in AAV. However, this doesn’t even include all of his endorsements.

With all of the money coming in for Aaron Rodgers, he has done a great job putting it to good use. While he is known to be a savvy investor, he has also been an active philanthropist over the years. He’s known for getting involved with many different charities and honorable causes.

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Here are five he has worked closely with.

#1 – Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer

My Cleats My Cause design for Rodgers.

Aaron Rodgers has reportedly worked with The MACC Fund for more than a decade and has helped raise more than $3 million for their cause. They are a nonprofit organization focusing on childhood cancer research.

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One of the ways Rodgers has helped raise money for them is through the NFL’s annual ‘My Cause My Cleats’ campaign. For the cause, he auctioned off a pair of custom game-worn cleats.

#2 – Andy North and Friends

Aaron Rodgers playing in a golf tournament.

Rodgers is known to participate in a variety of different golf events. He has competed in amateur tournaments while getting involved in many charity golf events.

One that Rodgers has been supporting annually is the Andy North and Friends Golf Getaway. The charity golf tournament raises money for the University of Wisconsin Paul P. Carbone Comprehensive Cancer Center to help fund their research.

#3 – North Valley Community Foundation

NVCF Donation, Image Credit: Jeopardy! YouTube

Aaron Rodgers has worked with the North Valley Community Foundation (NVCF) many times during his career. They are a charity organization located in northern California, near his hometown of Chico. One of his most notable contributions to the foundation was donating a million dollars to help provide relief to small local businesses impacted by the pandemic.

Rodgers also helped raise an additional sum of $236,725 while filling in as a guest host on the popular quiz show Jeopardy! during a charity campaign. The show donated money to the cause of the guest hosts’ choice and Rodgers chose the NVCF as the recipient of the total he helped raise.

#4 – The Aaron Rodgers NorCal Fire Recovery Fund

Capital One

The Aaron Rodgers NorCal Fire Recovery Fund focuses on providing relief from damage due to wildfires in northern California. According to their official website, their mission is to:

The Aaron Rodgers Foundation donated one million dollars to the cause, which was later matched by State Farm and Walmart. They have combined to help numerous local families and organizations, including the Butte Strong Fund in northern California.

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#5 – The Salvation Army

Salvation Army Event, Image Credit: Packers.com

Rodgers and the Green Bay Packers host annual fundraising events for the Savation Army during Christmas time. He often hosts autograph signings and auctions, where he matches all donations up to $50,000.

Rodgers also hosted an event called “Twelve’s Day of XMAS” in partnership with the Pro Player Foundation and the Salvation Army. He got 20 of his teammates to join him in bringing 100 children for Christmas shopping and a pizza party.

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