
Video britney spears – everytime lyrics meaning

Britney Spears is miles away from anything I would listen to, I admit I have a broad taste but I tend to lean towards guitar driven music, rock, hard rock, some metal but basically anything that is finely crafted and meaningful.

Perhaps that’s why I respect this song so much because it is the opposite of anything she has ever done and because she wrote it herself. Whilst every other song I have heard by her has been throw away trash with over processed vocals and hollow lyrics this song has true feeling, it’s written from real experience and as a result everyone can relate to it.

It’s not even as if she has attempted to display a hidden intelligence or depth, the lyrics are very simple but drip with meaning and sentiment and for the first time you can actually hear her natural voice and it sounds half decent! Even the live SNL rendition on youtube goes a long way to answering those who claim she is unable to sing.

If it was any other song by her I would hate it but this song is just so beautifully honest and mournful and while normally she is one of the worst offenders for spewing artificial nonsense with no relevance to anyone’s life but this song is the opposite, even the piano goes through you, the first time I heard it my spine tingled and as much as I HATED to admit it I loved the song right away.

This is such a simple song but it’s sincerity is undeniable and that is why you will find the most unlikely people admitting to liking it.

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I’m a big, hairy, grumpy kinda fella but 30 seconds of this song has me wanting to blub like a baby and reaching for my phone to text my wife how much I love her.

Like I said, all her other music is awful but this song connects with me in a way only a few songs ever have, it’s tragic and fragile and honest and it’s beautiful because of those things.

I didn’t choose to like this song, it pained me to admit I liked this song but I truly believe there are few people who’s hair doesn’t stand on end when listening.

This song is so different, so superior to anything else she has ever done because it has EFFORTLESS SINCERITY.