4 Lessons You Can Learn from Cam Newton

4 Lessons You Can Learn from Cam Newton
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With the Super Bowl nearly upon us, let’s talk about one of the most high profile players in the game…and in the NFL! Cam Newton is the quarterback of the Carolina Panthers. He is likely going to be name the MVP of the league this year. He is talented. He is dynamic. He is polarizing. But there are 4 things I think you can learn from him to help you in any career.

You can listen to my Delivering Marketing Joy Podcast on the subject here!

Be The Real You: Whether you like Cam Newton or not, he has stuck with his persona. He is brash and UN-apologetic. He celebrates every touchdown and every first down. He doesn’t always act like people expect him too. As you might expect, people have pushed back. But he has been consistent. You should too. Trying to be someone you are not will eventually catch up. Have the courage to be the real you.

Enthusiasm in Contagious: No matter what you do, enthusiasm sells. If you are excited about what you do, your customers will respond. So will other members of your team. When Cam is on the field, he is totally enthusiastic. His opponents (and their fans) don’t like it. But his teammates surely respond!

Seek Ways to Spread Joy: After each touchdown, Cam looks for a youngster close to the end zone and hands them the football. Most players do some sort of dance or spike the football. That’s cool. But Cam takes that moment to make a kids day. There are many stories about the special moment he creates with them. You know what else he creates? A fan for life.

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Commit to Your Craft: When Cam came into the league, he was known as an “Athletic quarterback.” What that means (in the NFL) is he was able to create opportunities with his running. He wasn’t necessarily a great traditional passer. He wasn’t great at reading defenses. But in his years in the NFL, he has evolved. He put in the time and the work. This year, in the 2nd half of the season, he was one of the highest rated pocket passers in the league. He wasn’t happy with his skills…he was willing to commit to his craft.

So whether you love Cam Newton or hate him, I hope you can appreciate him. It’s time for us to take a few lessons from him…and build them into our business.

You can get more Marketing Joy on the Delivering Marketing Joy Podcast. There is a new episode each business day! You can listen on Soundcloud or on iTunes! Subscribe today!