David Beckham Interview

David Beckham Interview
Video david beckham interview with ellen degeneres

I think it’s important just because I kind of have a story to tell. And I think the kids like to hear the story. It’s why the amazing people that are up there on the stage, the other ambassadors, you know, they’re at the top of their game. They have been to the top and they stayed there and they are inspirational people. So, for myself to be involved in this, to be involved obviously, with jaguar and then to be involved with the academy, I think it’s a perfect mixture. And, obviously, with the other athletes that are involved, it’s quite inspiring.

It was a great Q and A wasn’t it?

It was, I enjoyed it. You know, I obviously sat there with the guys and the ladies that we were up their with— it was quite amazing.

Looking out actually, at the audience looking up with you, they were all kind of open mouths, and when the cameras turned to them to ask their questions, I mean, that was a big nerve-racking moment for them. But there were some real gems in there. And, from what you heard, what do you think that they will walk away with from today?

Um, hopefully a lot of notes. I hope they took notes. Because I think it’s important to listen to the likes of Kelly, and Denise, you know, and Gareth, and Seri, and you know its so inspiring to listen to them talk. And when you listen to the likes of Steve, Steve, it’s just an inspirational story. You know, to go from there, and then to be winning the gold medal that he wins. And then to be knighted ad, you know, it’s an inspiring story. So, hopefully the kids have listened to each one of the people up their and taken notes from each of us.

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The longevity of his career is, without a doubt, the really impressive thing. But the same can be said for you—over 100 counts. How did you keep your focus over that period of time and how did you keep raising your game so that you were competitive?

I think, I just, I didn’t think of it like that. I didn’t think of it as raising my game all the time because I was just asked a question about, you know, a young age, why did you work the way you worked. And I didn’t think of it as work. As simple as that.

You know, when I was young, I played football because I loved playing it not because, you know, I thought this is gonna be my job when I was older. It’s…that’s the way I’ve always looked at it. It’s not a job for me. It’s something that I would do even if I wasn’t paid. It’s something that I love.

And, you know, keeping the focus, I have a couple of good friends around me that helped me focus. I have a good family, good coaches, good managers along the way. And that kind of focuses you but none of that can help you when you’re on the field, or you’re on the track, or you’re in your boat. You know? You have to focus, you have to find that yourself. But that comes with loving what you do.

I was going to ask you about that support network because, obviously, you’ve benefited from a very good one with your family and friends around you. Is that part of your motivation for wanting to be that support network for others? Because you have benefited from it?

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Yeah, I think it’s become more apparent that I can do that, you know, over the last few years. Because when I was 25 and playing the game and enjoying myself you know, it kind of, when you get older you kind of become a little bit wiser you know that then you can start passing on information that can help young kids and help, you know, future England players or future, you know, runners. You know? It’s something that you can pass on and hope that it helps.

So who were your big heroes growing up? Who did you aspire to be?

Um, I always wanted to be like Brian Robson. Brian Robson for me was uh, you know, wore number 7 for Man United, wore number 7 for England. Captain both Manchester United and England. You know, I wanted to emulate everything that he kind of did in his career and I was lucky because I was able to do that. So it was, uh, he was my hero. So I think it’s always important for people and young kids to have role models and people to look up to and people to aspire to be, you know, so I was lucky.

And tell us about that first experience of running out, first time for England. What was going though your mind and your heart and what were the feelings?

I mean, you know, that whole week leading up to the first game, first time that I played for England, you know, I was training with the likes of Paul Gastoy and Gary Palastis, these players that I had looked up to for years, Alan Sheerer, you know, and then I’m kind of put in the team with them. It was kind of an amazing feeling. And, you know, to wear an England shirt, there’re not many things that are better than that.

  David Beckham

Would you say that that’s the highlight….your first ever cap? Or do you have other moments in your career that really stand out?

I think when I was given the captains armband. That, for me, was the best moment of my career, I think. Obviously, winning trophies with Manchester United and winning the treble. Those are special moments. But you know, being given the captains armband for the first time—that was the best.

Clearly, you enjoy leading and inspiring and that’s exactly what you’ve done today. So thank you so much.

You’re welcome you’re welcome. It’s been a pleasure.

Thank you. There’ve been some great people in the room—stars of past and present. Thank you David Beckham, thank you Jaguar, it’s been great!