Ben Roethlisberger vs Derek Carr Stats

Ben Roethlisberger vs Derek Carr Stats
Video derek carr vs ben roethlisberger

Last Updated on December 19, 2023

Roethlisberger threw for 418 touchdowns while giving up 211 interceptions and the longest completion of his career went for 97 yds. His TD percentage when attempting a pass was 5.0% and his interception percentage was 2.5%. He lost 3,677 yards while being the victim of a QB sack 554 different times. He totaled 257.4 yds per game through the air with a 94.0 quarterback rating. During the 249 contests in his career, Roethlisberger completed 5,440 of his 8,443 attempts for a total of 64,088 yards.

In 156 contests in his career, Carr has been successful on 3,503 of 5,406 attempts for a total of 38,320 yards. He is averaging 245.6 yds per game through the air with a 92.1 quarterback rating. Carr has thrown 233 TD’s compared to 106 interceptions and the longest completion of his career went for 87 yards. He’s lost a combined 1,804 yards while being the victim of a QB sack 290 different times. His TD percentage on pass attempts is 4.3% and his interception rate is 2.0%.

Ben Roethlisberger vs Derek Carr Stats

Ben Roethlisberger Career Derek Carr 249 Games Played 156 5,440 Completions 3,503 8,443 Pass Attempts 5,406 64.4% Completion % 64.8% 64,088 Passing Yards 38,320 418 Passing Touchdowns 233 5.0% Touchdown Percentage 4.3% 211 Interceptions 106 2.5% Interception Percentage 2.0% 97 Longest Pass 87 7.6 Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.1 7.5 Adjusted Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.1 11.8 Yards Per Completion 10.9 257.4 Passing Yards Per Game 245.6 94.0 Quarterback Rating 92.1 554 Times Sacked 290 3,677 Yards Lost by Sack 1,804 6.7 Net Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.4 6.6 Adjusted Net Yards Per Attempt 6.4 6.2% Sack Percentage 5.1%

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In his last season, Roethlisberger threw for a total of 3,740 yds with 22 TDs and 10 interceptions. He was sacked 43 different times totaling 258 yds lost. He had a quarterback rating of 84.8 with a TD percentage of 3.6% and an interception percentage of 1.7%. His longest pass was 59 yds and he averaged 233.8 yds per game. Roethlisberger completed 390 of his attempted 605 passes in his last season for a completion percentage of 64.5%.

During his 14 contests this year, Carr has completed 302 of his 448 attempts for a total of 3,098 yards. He averages 221.3 yards per game through the air with a 92.5 QB rating. Carr has passed for 16 touchdowns this season while tossing 7 picks and his longest pass of the year went for 58 yds. He has lost 180 yards while being the victim of a QB sack 26 different times. His touchdown percentage on pass attempts is 3.6% and his interception percentage is 1.6%.

Ben Roethlisberger (2021) Most Recent Season Derek Carr (2023) 16 Games Played 14 390 Completions 302 605 Pass Attempts 448 64.5% Completion % 67.4% 3,740 Passing Yards 3,098 22 Passing Touchdowns 16 3.6% Touchdown Percentage 3.6% 10 Interceptions 7 1.7% Interception Percentage 1.6% 59 Longest Pass 58 6.2 Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.9 6.2 Adjusted Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.9 9.6 Yards Per Completion 10.3 233.8 Passing Yards Per Game 221.3 84.8 Quarterback Rating 92.5 43 Times Sacked 26 258 Yards Lost by Sack 180 5.4 Net Yards Per Pass Attempt 5.5 5.4 Adjusted Net Yards Per Attempt 6.2 7.1% Sack Percentage 5.8%

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