FREE Krispy Kreme Doughnuts for A’s on your Report Card, #Hacks, #Freebies

FREE Krispy Kreme Doughnuts for A’s on your Report Card, #Hacks, #Freebies
Video does krispy kreme give free donuts for grades

Free Krispy Kreme Doughnuts for A

Update* I shared this story with you last year on how to get FREE Krispy Kreme Donuts with good grades on your report card. We took the kids again this year and once again they were super happy to give our kids free donuts for good grades. I just wanted to say thanks to Krispy Kremem for making my kids so happy and helping to motivate them to work hard in school!

Free Krispy Kreme Donuts when you get A

Last week I went to parent teacher conferences for my kids school. I heard how my kids are doing in school, and left with 3 report cards in hand. I was happy to see all 3 of my kids had all A’s with one B+. Funny that they a had the same grades, must be a family thing. I was so proud of them and their hard work. My friend asked if I was going to let the kids go “cash in their grades”. I was not sure what she was talking about.

That is when she told me that Krispy Kreme will give kids FREE Doughnuts for A’s on their report cards. I had heard of this in the past, but I have always been to chicken to try it out. Yes that is right I am kind of chicken to walk into a store and ask if they will give my kids free doughnuts. But my local store was pretty awesome about it. They told em they will give each child up to 6 free doughnuts for each “A” they have.

You should have seen how happy my kids were as they each picked out their very own FREE Krispy Kremes. You can bet they are going to work hard to keep those good grades up so they can come back next time they have a report card.

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PLEASE know that all it takes is a few people abusing the situation to end great programs like this. Inspire your kids to get good grades but don’t be greedy. We went ahead and bought a dozen and a half doughnuts while we were there…. I know that sounds like a lot of doughnuts but heck I can gobble down 3 of them in about 60 seconds flat. It is a 30 minute drive to our closest Krispy Kreme…. and they often don’t make it back home with 7 of us in the car 🙂 (Don’t judge me).

I am not sure if all stores participate, so be sure to call before you go.

Do you know of other places that give deals or freebies for good grades, I would love to hear your tips.

Free Krispy Kreme Doughnuts for A