Does Patrick Mahomes own the Kansas City Royals? All you need to know about Chiefs QB’s stake in MLB franchise

Does Patrick Mahomes own the Kansas City Royals? All you need to know about Chiefs QB’s stake in MLB franchise

Patrick Mahomes has formed partnerships with several prestigious companies throughout his professional life. He’s invested in regional and national teams after agreeing to a $450 million contract extension in 2020.

Agreements involving brands are one thing, but owning a piece of an organization is huge. Baseball has always been in Mahomes’ genes. He is the son of retired MLB player Pat Mahomes.

While he didn’t quite continue his father’s sporting legacy, he still has a strong passion for the game. In 2020, he bought a minority stake in Kansas City’s MLB team.

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It’s estimated that Mahomes invested $10 million in the Kansas City Royals. He bought a 1% share in the team, which made him the league’s youngest owner at 24. Mahomes said,

Patrick Mahomes played baseball and football for Texas Tech until his sophomore year, when he decided to focus solely on football.

Exploring the litany of Patrick Mahomes’ multi-million dollar investments

Patrick Mahomes has amassed an enormous amount of money in his career. He agreed to a $450 million contract in 2020, and one of his first moves was to purchase Kansas City Royals stock.

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Mahomes has also made numerous additional ventures. He has invested in the Hyperice company, which sells recuperation aids and massaging materials. In addition to that, he invested in Whoop, a business that tracks sleep patterns and manages productivity.

By acquiring minority holdings in the Major League Soccer team for men, Sporting Kansas City, Mahomes demonstrated his enthusiasm for the game. He remained steadfast in his dedication to the women’s team. In 2022, he and his wife, Brittany Matthews, made a significant investment in the KC Current.

Mahomes is a shareholder in Buzzer, an application for mobile devices for live sports, and American State Bank, a provider of banking services based in Texas.

He has endorsement agreements with several companies, including Adidas, DirecTV, Essentia Water, Head & Shoulders, Hunt’s, Oakley, and State Farm.

In addition to his financial holdings, endorsement contracts, and NFL salary, Mahomes makes money through the selling of memorabilia and public appearances. He has appeared in many advertisements for various items, notably the video game Madden NFL 20 and Microsoft’s Surface Pro tablet. Being one of the most well-known players in the NFL has made him a coveted icon for various promotional prospects.

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