How many kids does Drew Brees have? Exploring former Saints QB’s life after retirement

How many kids does Drew Brees have? Exploring former Saints QB’s life after retirement

The New Orleans Saints showed Drew Brees in town with his kid as they watched the game against the Jacksonville Jaguars. There was a time when he dominated the passing charts in the league and won a Super Bowl for the city. Now, the situation is different after his retirement. Sean Payton has also left and this is a new era in New Orleans.

But New Orleans and the Saints are certain to remain in Drew Brees built his family there. He met his wife, Brittany, while they were both students at Purdue in the late 1990s. They married in 2003, while he was still with the San Diego Chargers, but they had their first kid in 2009, after he had moved to Louisiana.

He has four children: three boys and one girl. Their first child, Baylen Roberts, was born on 15th January 2009 in New Orleans. Their second son is Bowen Christopher, who was born on 19th October 2010. They then had a third so Callen Christian, born on 15th August 2012. Their daughter Rylen Judith was born on 25th August 2014 and is the youngest of them all. Today, the four of them with their parents make a family of six.

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When Drew Brees retired with the New Orleans Saints, he invoked the presence of his kids in his life as to why he was making the decision to step away. He said he wanted to spend more time with them as they grew up.

After his retirement, he tried his hand on television. As future Hall-of-Famer, he was in demand and signed a multi-year deal with NBC. But after spending one season with them in 2021, he decided not to come back. The reason again was simple; that he wanted to spend time with his family. During his time there, he was an analyst for NFL and Notre Dame football games.

In 2022, he tried his hand at coaching and was an interim assistant coach as his alma mater wanted help. He turned up to Purdue, where he played college football and met his wife. That itself led to his four beautiful kids today, for whom he seems ready to step back from anything and spend more time with them as he promised in his retirement video.

Drew Brees net worth 2023

Despite taking a step back from NFL, broadcasting and coaching, Drew Brees has done enough in his life to have a high net worth. He has a net worth of $160 million, which is not surprising given he is one of the most successful quarterbacks in the modern era.

One of the reasons he managed to reach this value is because Drew Brees never settled for less than what he is worth. While with the San Diego Chargers, he was franchise tagged in the 2005 season because he had Philip Rivers backing him up and did not want to commit big money. He also tore his rotator cuff on his throwing arm that season against the Denver Broncos.

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So, for 2006, the Chargers offered him a five-year, $50 million contract. Crucially, it paid $2 million in base salary the first year and the rest heavily based on performance incentives. It was not something the quarterback was happy with and felt disrespected. He did not take the offer and looked elsewhere instead.

The Miami Dolphins were in consideration but did not offer Drew Brees a deal. It is reported that is what caused Nick Saban to leave and establish himself at Alabama instead. The New Orleans Saints offered had no such qualms and gave him $10 million in guaranteed money for the first year and a $12 million option the second year in a $60 million six-year deal.

It is fair to say that initial offering repaid itself for both the franchise and the quarterback.

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