“You still don’t understand why Kaepernick was kneeling?” – Drew Brees once faced the full wrath of LeBron James over his controversial comments 

“You still don’t understand why Kaepernick was kneeling?” – Drew Brees once faced the full wrath of LeBron James over his controversial comments 
Video drew brees comments on colin kaepernick

Colin Kaepernick’s decision to kneel during the national anthem is a moment that changed the NFL landscape forever. The former San Francisco 49ers quarterback had taken the step back in 2016 to raise his voice against rising police brutality against the black community.

His decision left the NFL community divided. Though the moment marked the end of Kaepernick’s NFL career, a debate still rages on over his actions.

As a matter of fact, former New Orleans Saints QB Drew Brees was asked about his opinion regarding the matter. While speaking to Yahoo back in 2020, Brees initially expressed his displeasure over the matter:

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As one would expect, Brees faced heavy backlash over his remarks. Among those critical of Brees over the same was NBA superstar LeBron James. Taking to Twitter, James expressed his displeasure over the former Saints QB’s comments:

Drew Brees was quick to track back on Colin Kaepernick kneeling comment

Drew Brees’ comments about Kaepernick and other NFL stars taking the knee sparked outrage and disappointment. But soon after, the QB came clean revealing that he had no intentions of disrespecting anyone or any community through his comments. On Instagram, he posted:

He further stated:

Kaepernick’s last NFL appearance came back in early 2017. Even though years have passed since the incident, it still serves as a subject of contentious debate among fans, players, and media alike.

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