The A Team

The A Team
Video ed sheeran just under the upper hand

White lips, pale face – The more you do the more pale you become, because you forget; to eat, to sleep, to drink. All things that give you color, added to not going out during the day so that the sun can never kiss your body. Breathing in snowflakes – Smoking cocaine. Burnt lungs, sour taste – Your still breaking it in, and when it hits your lungs it burns. Leaving a sour taste in your mouth that you can never quite get rid of.

Lights gone, days end – You often sleep all day after a long night only to wake up and repete the process. Struggling to pay rent – Due to the strugle with addiction you can’t hold a steady job, so you do what you can to make the money you need for a place to stay and to feed your every growing addiction. Long nights, strange men – You spend your nights on the streets selling your body to make the money you need.

And they say – They, the people she is around. She’s in the class A team – The “A Team” a referance to people who are to far gone in their addiction to be saved. Stuck in her daydream – Her daydream is the world she wants to live in but knows she can’t so instead she spend her life high on cocaine so she can imagine it, because truthfully a high is thrilling at first but after so long it all just wears off, and you wish you could go back. Been this way since eighteen – The first time she ever tried it she was 18 and she has been addicted ever since. But lately her face seems – Lately shes not the same person she used to be. Slowly sinking, wasting – Her face, her body, her life, its all going downhinll. She may want it to end, and it will, just not the way she wants. Crumbling like pastries – Her life is falling apart at the seams, and her whole world is just crashing down around her.

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And they scream – They, the people she is around. The worst things in life come free to us – They all know that the high they feel is not really what they want to feel, and they want something better. But they feel this is the closest they can come to reality now, which is why they consider it free, even though its costly addiction; and not just in money, it ruins everything, so easily. ‘Cause we’re just under the upper hand – When you try to get out, and you can its like you’re trying to climb up a hill and everytime you get close to the top, you start to slide back down. And go mad for a couple grams – You do anything and everything just to get that next high. And she don’t want to go outside, tonight – She wants it all to end, she wishes she didn’t have to go out and sell her body just to achive this feeling. And in a pipe she flies to the motherland – When she smokes it she feels like she is on top of the world and nothing can go wrong. She goes to the same place every time, and she is there so much, it feels like home. Or sells love to another man – When shes not getting high, she does what she can to get that next high. It’s too cold outside – Getting high is like taking those shots of vodka. They may make you feel all warm and good on the inside. But who you are is still who you are on the outside. For angels to fly, for angels to fly – “They” the people she is around, they are like lost souls all looking for the same thing; that next high.

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Ripped gloves, raincoat – Your live is the same day in and day out. You try everything you can but your still in a rut. Tried to swim and stay afloat – It’s like you cry so much because you dont know who are any more. You do the best you can to stay on top, but you still feel like your drwnding in your own terrors. Dry house, wet clothes – It’s not the world around you that shit, its your life.

Loose change, bank notes – You try to make the money you need to, sometimes you make just enough to get by, but most of the time you don’t quite make enough. Weary-eyed, dry throat – You’re not healthy, and it shows. Your eyes are products long nights of no sleep. Call girl, no phone – Your “men” they try to get you like a booty call, but your not that easy to find. You always seem to have the need to keep moving.

And they say She’s in the class A team Stuck in her daydream Been this way since eighteen But lately her face seems Slowly sinking, wasting Crumbling like pastries

And they scream The worst things in life come free to us ‘Cause we’re just under the upper hand And go mad for a couple grams But she don’t want to go outside, tonight And in a pipe she flies to the motherland Or sells love to another man Its too cold outside For angels to fly An angel will die Covered in white

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Closed eye – Slowly, they are all killing themselves. And hoping for a better life – Everyone wants something better, but they know it won’t happen This time, we’ll fade out tonight – So tonight as like any other they just kill themselves a little bit more. Straight down the line – They kill themselves not by just smoking it but also by snorting it from the line.

And they say She’s in the class A team Stuck in her daydream Been this way since eighteen But lately her face seems Slowly sinking, wasting Crumbling like pastries

They scream The worst things in life come free to us And we’re under the upper hand And go mad for a couple grams And we don’t want to go outside, tonight And in the pipe fly to the motherland Or sell love to another man It’s too cold outside For angels to fly, angels to fly To fly, fly For angels to fly, to fly, to fly Angels to die – In the they are all part of deadly addiction. It all kills slowly but surely. after time not only will you kill your soul with the addiction, but you will kill your body as well.