Ezekiel Elliott sports Jetsons-like helmet during the Cowboys’ game against the Buccaneers

Ezekiel Elliott sports Jetsons-like helmet during the Cowboys’ game against the Buccaneers

While watching the Dallas Cowboys vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers season opener game on Sunday, many pointed out the futuristic swag of Ezekiel Elliott. While the luck was not in favor of the Cowboys, the Buccaneers’ performance and Elliott’s futuristic helmet shone until the game ended.

Elliott wore a helmet that was unique to what the other players were wearing. His helmet had a futuristic look that gave him an added style while rushing the ball down the field. It gave everyone a glimpse of how the football stars might look after a decade. So, what’s the deal with Ezekiel Elliott’s new helmet?

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What is special about Ezekiel Elliott’s new helmet?

Since the start of his college football career at Ohio State University, Ezekiel Elliott has been wearing the Riddell SpeedFlex helmet. But he has now upgraded to its latest version, the Riddell Axiom. The 27-year-old star running back is a fashion icon whose unique style is loved by his fans.

Elliott’s helmet gives a Jetsons vibe, but its functions and mechanisms are way superior and will be helpful for the players who wear it. Riddell produces top-quality helmets designed to keep players’ safety in mind. With Riddell Axiom, they have used technology to its fullest. They have customized these helmets by taking scans of players’ heads.

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It comes with many improvements, such as the top bar of the face mask being removed, which allows for a wider field of view. The helmet also contains multiple sensors that will help analyze where the impact was on the head. Often head injuries are not easily predicted, but with this innovation, players can easily avoid serious injuries that can cost them their NFL careers.

Elliott has become the first player to wear the Riddell Axiom, which will help combat traumatic brain injuries like CTE. This is one step forward and might become a common sight in the NFL.

Elliott’s new helmet came into the limelight when he took part in the team’s OTA. Upon asking about the new helmet, Elliott jokingly claimed it to be a new model of a Ford car. Elliott remains one of the best running backs of this generation, and who better than him can endorse these helmets?

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