Give and take, a revolutionary approach to success.

Give and take, a revolutionary approach to success.
Video give and take a revolutionary approach to success

Adam Grant’s “Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success” is an insightful exploration of human interaction dynamics within the workplace and beyond. Grant presents a novel perspective on success, arguing it’s less about individual attributes and more about how we interact with others. He identifies three primary interaction styles: givers, takers, and matchers, and sets out to analyze which group is most likely to achieve true success. Grant’s fresh take on reciprocity styles sheds light on the role of altruism in personal and professional advancement.

Key Concepts

  1. Givers, Takers, and Matchers: Grant delineates three categories of people based on their default style of professional interaction. ‘Givers’ prefer to give more than they receive, ‘Takers’ seek to get more than they give, and ‘Matchers’ aim to preserve an equal balance of giving and taking. The author reveals that both the most and the least successful individuals are often givers.
  2. The Power of Giving: Contrary to common belief, givers can achieve remarkable success by building more substantial and supportive networks, fostering collaborative environments, and establishing a reputation that encourages more significant opportunities.
  3. Otherish Giving: Grant introduces the concept of ‘otherish givers’—those who give, but with a view towards their interests as well. They strike a balance between self-interest and generosity, and they succeed without depleting their resources.
  4. The ‘Five-Minute Favor’: This concept suggests that one should be willing to do something for someone else that will take five minutes or less. This act of giving can build a positive reputation and improve interpersonal relationships.
  5. The ‘Reciprocity Ring’: An organizational tool where each person in a group asks for something they need, and others in the group try to meet that need. This tool cultivates a giving culture within a group or organization.
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Implementation Plan

  1. Identify Your Reciprocity Style: Evaluate your own behavior to determine whether you’re a giver, a taker, or a matcher. This self-awareness will help you understand how your style impacts your professional relationships and success.
  2. Encourage a Giving Culture: Foster a workplace environment that encourages giving. Implement tools like the ‘Reciprocity Ring’ and promote acts of giving, both big and small.
  3. Practice ‘Otherish Giving’: Cultivate a balanced approach to giving. Understand that taking care of your interests doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a taker. Strive to be an ‘otherish giver,’ as they tend to be the most successful.
  4. Adopt the ‘Five-Minute Favor’: Incorporate this into your routine. If an act of help takes five minutes or less, do it. This will help build a strong, positive reputation and strengthen your professional relationships.
  5. Protect Against ‘Takers’: Learn to recognize takers and set boundaries to avoid being exploited. Not all giving is beneficial— it’s important to ensure your goodwill isn’t being misused.

Practical Guidance


  1. Try to reframe professional interactions as opportunities to help others rather than solely as transactions.
  2. Be proactive in offering help, but don’t forget to protect your time and resources.
  3. Encourage open requests for help in your team or organization to foster a giving culture.


  1. It’s important to strike a balance between self-interest and generosity. Over-giving can lead to burnout.
  2. Understand that every interaction has potential for mutual benefit. It’s not always about winning or losing.


  1. For Promoting Giving Culture: “Dear Team, In order to foster a collaborative and supportive culture, we are introducing a new initiative – the ‘Reciprocity Ring’. Here, each of us can ask for help on a specific task, and others who can assist will step in. The aim is not to keep score but to create an environment where giving and receiving aid is the norm.”
  2. For a Five-Minute Favor Offer: “Hi [Name], I noticed you’re working on [Task]. I’ve had some experience with that in the past. Can I offer some assistance? It won’t take more than a few minutes.”
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By applying the lessons from “Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success,” professionals can foster healthier, more productive workplace relationships, ultimately creating an environment conducive to collective success. Grant’s approach provides a novel way to view professional interactions, emphasizing that the path to personal success often involves contributing to the success of others.