What happened to Jordan Love’s father? Revisiting Packers QB’s tragic childhood

What happened to Jordan Love’s father? Revisiting Packers QB’s tragic childhood

After being selected in the first round of the 2020 NFL draft, quarterback Jordan Love has fulfilled his late father’s dream and assumed the spotlight with the Green Bay Packers in a touching and poignant journey. However, Love has a heartbreaking tale of loss hidden behind his prosperity and accomplishments.

Jordan Love was born to Anna and Orbin Love in Nov. 1998. Love’s father, Orbin, was a sergeant with the Bakersfield Police Department and prepared his son for the NFL since he was a child. Before going into law enforcement, Orbin was a quarterback for his high school and college teams.

Even though Love appeared to be struggling with the game, Orbin saw promise in the Packers’ starting quarterback when he was young. Love’s father’s unfailing assistance and support propelled him to the league.

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Jordan Love is widely believed to have inherited his father’s athletic ability. Sadly, Orbin took his own life in 2013, leaving his son, then 14, three daughters and his wife behind.

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According to the Salt Lake Tribune, Orbin committed suicide when Jordan was at a basketball game. Anna, Love’s mother, was patiently waiting for her husband to drop off one of Jordan’s three sisters in a high school gym.

When Love’s sister informed Anna that her father had returned home to retrieve an item he had left behind, Anna realized something was wrong. She promptly made an attempt to get in touch with him but received no response. Anna returned home right away, where she discovered her husband’s dead body.

Many people were confused by Orbin’s suicide and enquired about the true cause of his dreadful decision. His wife, Anna, has consistently insisted that her husband’s medication played a significant role in his demise, despite rumors about mental health conditions like depressive disorders, being the reason.

Anna said that a year before her husband’s suicide, a new blood pressure medicine had been administered to him. Soon after he started using this new drug, he started acting in an odd and unsettling manner, which finally resulted in him killing himself.

Jordan Love almost quit football after he lost his father

By taping his footwear to the pedals, Orbin Love trained his son how to ride a bike. To keep an eye on his son’s development, he also offered to serve as an assistant coach for his youth team.

All of that only contributed to highlighting how close they were together when Orbin was still alive.

Jordan Love, the Green Bay Packers quarterback, was still a child when his father passed away, making Orbin Love’s heartbreaking decision to end his life one of the worst events of Jordan’s life.

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It also had a significant impact on Love, as he considered giving up football. He persevered through the challenging times, though, largely because of his mother’s unwavering support, and eventually became an NFL superstar.

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