5 QBs with the most game-winning drives featuring Tom Brady and Peyton Manning

5 QBs with the most game-winning drives featuring Tom Brady and Peyton Manning

NFL fans wanted a show and they got a show and a half. Another game-winning drive by Tom Brady secured the Bucs their first win of the season after an almighty scare from Dak Prescott and the Dallas Cowboys.

It does seem like something of a routine now for Brady. When behind late in the fourth quarter, he always seemed to get things right when it really counted and did exactly that against the Cowboys.

Cometh the hour, cometh the man is a popular trope in every sport, but the NFL, as we all know, is a cut above the rest. That said, here’s a look at the top five quarterbacks with the most game-winning drives in the NFL and, of course, Tom Brady and Peyton Manning have to be there, don’t they?

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The 5 quarterbacks with the most game-winning drives

#1 – Peyton Manning, 54 drives

The former Colt and Denver Bronco tops the list with an incredible 54 game-winning drives throughout his illustrious career.

It is no secret that Manning has been a man for all occasions and frequently got his team over the line.

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In his storied career, Manning was at the height of his powers more often than not, and between 2008 and 2009, he had 14 game-winning drives, which is simply remarkable.

Also Read: Peyton Manning’s Super Bowl Wins

#2 – Drew Brees, 53 drives

Coming in second is another Hall of Famer, Drew Brees. If there was ever a quarterback who you didn’t want to have a drive to take the lead against you, it was Drew Brees.

His ability to pick apart any defense and come away with points when the pressure is on is nearly unparralled. In 2018, Brees had seven game-winning drives, with three coming in consecutive weeks in 13, 14 and 15 against Tampa, Carolina and Pittsburgh.

#3 – Tom Brady, 50 drives

Hot on Manning’s heels is the man at the heart of the reigning Super Bowl champions, Tom Brady. With 49 game-winning drives to his name, Brady got the ball back with a little over a minute left against the Cowboys in the 2021 season opener.

Brady marched his team down the field for a Ryan Succop chip-shot field goal to put the Bucs into the lead with two seconds remaining.

Like Manning, Brady has a reputation for pulling his team over the line when it matters most. For most teams, when they do get the chance to get ahead late in a game, they will often make sure there is little or no time left on the clock.

For Brady, this is especially true as he has shown time and time again that when given even the smallest amount of time, he can get points on the board.

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#4 – Dan Marino, 47 drives

The legendary Miami Dolphin comes in at number four with an impressive 47 game-winning drives in his career.

In 1992, Marino led his team on seven game-winning drives to prove he was the man for all occasions. While he didn’t have the best game during any of the seven matches, Marino turned it on when it mattered and went and got his team over the line.

#5 – Ben Roethlisberger, 46 drives

Another Hall of Fame quarterback, Big Ben has been notorious for leading the Steelers to victory deep into the last quarter.

Roethlisberger had four game-winning drives last season as the Steelers started the year with an 11-0 record before hitting the skids to eventually crash out of the playoffs at the hands of their rivals, the Cleveland Browns.

Ben’s big-play ability and willingness to let the football fly are the mainstays of the Steelers offense, albeit without Antonio Brown. While he is showing signs of slowing down, expect Roethlisberger to add a few more in 2021.

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