


Total Cost for the Tour: $4500 (USD)* A limited number of en suite rooms (private bedroom/bathroom) are available for an additional $500 charge, making total = $5000 (USD)

The cost may be paid in full upon acceptance or split between two equal payments. All payments will be made by credit card.

April 13-20, 2024 Tour: First payment due immediately upon acceptance. The second payment is due December 15, 2023.

September 21-28, 2024 Tour:First payment due immediately upon acceptance. The second payment is due on March 5, 2024.

Trip cost covers:

  1. 7 nights of accommodation beginning on April 13, 2024 OR September 21, 2024,
  2. All breakfasts and 7 other meals,
  3. All in-country transportation, including to/from the Shannon Airport during the time parameters listed (Arrival/Departures) on April 13 – 20, 2024 OR September 21-28, 2024,
  4. All seminar leader services.
  5. Airfare is not included.

Cancellation Policy: Should you need to cancel after your first payment has been made, your refund will depend on our ability to find a replacement however regardless will incur a $500 (USD) administrative fee. We strongly recommend travel insurance to protect your investment.


For the health and safety of all involved, we encourage everyone who attends our tours to comply with public health guidance in relation to Covid-19 when travelling to Ireland and throughout the duration of the tour. We encourage you to wear a mask and practice good hand hygiene during your travels. We encourage the use of rapid Covid-19 antigen tests throughout the duration of the tour.

18. POLICY ON COVID-19 (from our Terms and Conditions)18.1 To the extent permitted by law or public health guidance, Customers may need to provide evidence of full vaccination against Covid-19 prior to the start of the Tour. Vaccination and testing requirements will be based on the policy in effect in Ireland at the relevant time and will be confirmed with Customer prior to the start of the Tour. This policy is subject to change based on new and evolving data and changes in the legal and regulatory requirements of Ireland and relevant public advice. Any Customer who cannot comply with the relevant policies in place from time to time will not be able to attend the Tour.18.2 Any Customer that tests positive for Covid-19 during their Tour will be required to self-isolate in line with public health guidance in effect in Ireland at the relevant time. Whilst the Company may use reasonable endeavours to assist the Customer in finding a suitable self-isolation location, any costs, incurred during the self-isolation period, will be at the Customer’s own expense. We would strongly advise travel insurance for all Customers.

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Please contact Ann Cahill with any questions: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Upon acceptance, additional registration materials and the first payment will be due immediately.

Click here to read the Tour Terms & Conditions.