Why hasn’t an NFL team signed Todd Gurley yet?

Why hasn’t an NFL team signed Todd Gurley yet?

It’s hard to believe that Todd Gurley is that undesirable to NFL teams. Gurley was once a featured back in the backfield for the Los Angeles Rams.

Even more curious is the fact that Gurley had some decent numbers in 2020. Gurley had a stint with the Atlanta Falcons, where he pulled in 678 rushing yards, 9 TDs, and had 164 receiving yards.

Will Todd Gurley be signed?

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Those numbers are not the worst, however, Gurley added a meager 3.5 yards per carry. That’s not necessarily terrible, but it could be seen as part of his “downfall.” Gurley has also had some injuries in the past, but that doesn’t seem to be the case any longer. The yards per carry aspect of his game might be the driving force for teams to overlook the veteran

Given the situation that happened with J.K. Dobbins and the Baltimore Ravens, there should have been some interest in bringing in Gurley. The Ravens went with a different player in former Pittsburgh Steelers RB Le’Veon Bell.

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Bell has been surrounded by a lot more controversy than Gurley has. Bell’s stat line is far worse as well. On top of the fact that Bell (29) is also two years older than Gurley (27). There should be a lot more interest in Gurley than most veteran running backs.

The Ravens brought in Gurley back in June but still decided to sign Bell. This could very well be because the Steelers and Ravens have had a storied rivalry for decades. If Bell can revive his career with the Ravens, it will certainly get to the Steelers, seeing their once “golden child” running back play well for their rival.

Gurley remains unsigned for some reason, but there could be more at play behind the scenes. He could very well be hard to work with, but no reports have come out confirming this idea.

Plenty of teams will suffer injuries and setbacks with Covid protocols. Players could easily end up on the Covid/reserve list, decimating their backfields. Gurley should remain in game-ready shape, should this happen.

Although Gurley ranks towards the bottom in yards per carry, he ranks near the top in TD production. Every team can use a goal-line threat. Gurley will not stay unemployed all year, especially if teams come calling towards the end of the season. An RB needy team could sign Gurley in the way that Marshawn Lynch was brought in by the Las Vegas Raiders, if only to help bolster their chances at the postseason.

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