Lauren Leader-Chivee

Lauren Leader-Chivee

Inclusive Innovation

In a globalized world innovation is more than finding a boy genius. Where there is a collision of diverse individuals and leaders who know how support them, breakthrough market insight and innovations can thrive.

In this thought-provoking presentation, you will learn:

  • What we have to loose
  • An (un)level playing field
  • The diverse marketplace
  • Acquired diversity
  • How diversity drives growth and innovation

Women Winning

Across industry and sector professional women are facing a thick glass ceiling. Breaking it requires more than leaning in. It requires a full understanding of what it really takes to get ahead and the ability to build sponsors to help break through.

In this presentation, Lauren shares her expertise on:

  • The glass ceiling can’t be explained in any of the standard ways
  • Relationship capital/ sponsorship is the most important reason women aren’t breaking through
  • Enlisting sponsors measurably impacts women’s progression
  • Understanding and mastering the rules of the game

The Future Leader

A majority of leaders describe themselves as command and control or hierarchal but the vast majority of professionals, especially millennial, women, minorities are looking for more inclusive, collaborative leaders. Today it’s connect and inspire not command and control that wins the talent wars.

Audiences will gain from Lauren’s insight on:

  • The global talent pool has profoundly changed and the change is permanent
  • Most organizations are led in ways that are no longer effective
  • To lead across gender, generation and culture leaders much find ways to connect and inspire
  • How to do that may just be the most pressing leadership issue of our time
  Steelers quarterback Devlin Hodges: I don't have anything to lose

Leadership/ Executive Presence

About 30% of success at work is the extent to which individuals demonstrate leadership/executive presence yet no one can define what that means! Cracking the code, mastering the rules yet remaining authentic is critical to impact, agency and success.

In this presentation, Lauren provides insight on:

  • Universal elements of Executive Presence include gravitas, communications and appearance
  • Each of these are complex must can be mastered through focus, observation and feedback
  • Leveraging data on what makes Executive Presence empowers individuals with the strategies they need to get it right.