Is Luka Doncic married? Looking at Dallas Mavericks superstar’s personal life & more

Is Luka Doncic married? Looking at Dallas Mavericks superstar’s personal life & more

Is Luka Doncic married? Doncic is not married, at least not yet. However, the Dallas Mavericks superstar proposed to his longtime girlfriend Anamaria Goltes on July 7, 2023 (7/7/23) – the date being Doncic’s jersey number 77.

The Mavericks guard posted a beautiful picture of the proposal on his Instagram. The photo shows Bled Castle in the background in Doncic’s home nation of Slovenia.

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Goltes is also from Slovenia. The two met as children in their home country. According to People magazine, they met when they were both 12 years old.

Many came out in the comment section to congratulate the NBA star on the big news at the time. LeBron James and other NBA players offered their congratulations as well.

That said, let’s find out more about the star’s personal life, and is Luka Doncic married?

Is Luka Doncic married? Finding out more about Doncic’s fiance Anamaria Goltes

Luka Doncic and Anamaria Goltes have been dating since 2016 according to People magazine. Goltes is a model and social media influencer.


Goltes once revealed more about her own life when talking to Cosmopolitan SI in 2019. However, she still has publicly expressed her love for Doncic on many occasions.

Goltes was born on April 30, 1998, and she has a younger sister named Pia. Goltes attended the University of Ljubljana, and she now lives in Dallas, Texas with Doncic.

Goltes continues to work as a model and made her debut with Lisca Lingerie in 2017. She is also a brand ambassador for the company, being signed to Immortal Models Management. She impressively graced the cover of Cosmopolitan in Slovenia.

Goltes is also active on TikTok. She posts her outfits of the day, life as a model, and fashion advice.

Is Luka Doncic married with kids?

No, but he does have dogs. Doncic and Goltes have three dogs. They have a Pomeranian named Hugo, a White Swiss Shepherd named Gia and a large breed named Viki, whom they welcomed into their family in February 2022.

Goltes is often seen at Mavericks games and travels to road games as well to cheer on Doncic. She is one of his biggest supporters and even posts photos watching games at home when she cannot travel to some of Doncic’s NBA contests.

That answers the question is Luka Doncic married? No word on the wedding date yet, but Doncic likely hopes it will be after another NBA title next June.

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