Upcoming Regional Championship Qualifiers

Upcoming Regional Championship Qualifiers

There’s plenty of time to qualify for a Pro Tour in 2024, with Regional Championship Qualifiers for the second Pro Tour going on right now, and Regional Championships for the first Pro Tour in mid-swing.

However, whether you’re all set for the first Pro Tour, or working your way towards the second, there’s never a bad time to qualify, and the qualifying pathways for the third Pro Tour of 2024 will be opening up at the start of next year.

The third round of the 2023-24 season’s qualifiers will begin on January 6, 2024, and will run until March 24, 2024. WPN stores and larger organizers that participate will be running Regional Championship Qualifiers (RCQs) that qualify players for the Regional Championship covering their respective region. Those Regional Championships will take place in Q2 of 2024 and will qualify for the third Pro Tour of 2024 in late June.

RCQs run at the WPN level for this round will either be Limited or Standard Constructed. Please note that larger events that are designated as “destination” qualifiers—events run in larger venues such as hotel ballrooms or convention centers—may be run as other Constructed formats as well. Please check with your local organizer for all specific info on qualifiers near you.

This round refreshes the Secret Lair promo card line-up for participants and top finishes, embracing a few two-mana sorcery spells that have been competitive mainstays in tournament Magic history.

January 6-March 24, 2024 Regional Championship Qualifier promo cards*:

  • Feast your eyes—each and every one of them—on a far-out take of Explore, with art by BLUMOO! Play in an RCQ at a WPN retailer to get one in non-foil. Traditional foil versions may be available for larger events, but exact distribution will be determined by your region’s program organizer.
  • Go ahead. Express yourself! This new promotional version of Expressive Iteration—one of the most influential card-advantage spells for blue-red mages in nonrotating formats printed in recent history—has beautiful new artwork by Dominik Mayer and will be the featured prize for qualifiers starting in January. Non-foil copies will be available to top finishers at qualifying events, while those who earn their invitation to the Regional Championship will score a foil copy.
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*Promotional cards received where available and while supplies last. Prize promo availability may differ by region and may change at Wizards of the Coast’s discretion. Check with your regional tournament organizer and hosting game store for more information.

The Regional Championships for Pro Tour 3 in 2024 will be scheduled between May 4 and June 2 in 2024. The format for these Regional Championships is Standard Constructed.

Top finishers from these events earn invitations to the third Pro Tour of 2024 (“Pro Tour 3”), with invites varying by region. The winners of each Regional Championship—as well as the finalists from the USA, EMEA, and Japan—will also qualify for 2024’s Magic: The Gathering World Championship, happening later in 2024.

Regional Championship Secret Lair Prize Card:

  • Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle: Mountains, join forces! Valakut will be the featured prize card for this Regional Championship round, featuring artwork by Graham Yarrington. Non-foil copies will be given to participants in the invitation-only Regional Championship, while top finishers will be awarded foil copies.

While qualifiers for the third Pro Tour in 2024 are still coming up, it may not be too late to qualify for that first Pro Tour in 2024! Regional Championships are still coming up in most markets, and they typically offer last-chance qualifiers that may nab you entry into one of those championship tournaments. If your holiday schedule is looking a little packed though, find an RCQ near you this quarter or the next!

Start your journey to the Pro Tour and the Magic: The Gathering World Championship today with events in your region:

  • USA: Dreamhack
  • Canada: Face to Face Games
  • Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA): Legacy
  • Australia/New Zealand: Good Games
  • China: Kadou
  • Japan/Korea: Big Magic
  • Southeast Asia: Oracle Events
  • Chinese Taipei: Game Square
  • Brazil: City Class Games
  • Mexico/Central America/Caribbean: Yellow Rabbit
  • South America: Magicsur
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