Mumford & Sons 

Mumford & Sons 

My Mumford travels for round 5 took me to Columbia, Maryland for their Amphitheater gig at the Merriweather Post Pavilion. The Mumford’s were rocking a new sound and new style since last I had seen them. They abandoned their signature banjo for their third album, and decided to plug in for an electric based record. It’s different for sure.

That album, entitled Wilder Mind, was well on display this night. Marcus Mumford and company performed 10 of the 12 songs from the May release. This included 5 of the first 7 songs on the evening, showing Mumford has very much bought into this new style.

It’s a completely different look for the band. They have a touring drummer with them, on a separate kit from Marcus. At times all 4 of the original band members are just jamming on their electric guitars and basses. My personal favorites of the new material is slow rolling ‘Monster’ and album opener ‘Tompkins Square Park.’ I’ll also give credit to a cool version of ‘Just Smoke,’ where the band received help from openers The Maccabees.

For me though, the best songs on the evening were the ones from the bands original albums. They obviously have a different feel to them, and the crowd is much more into those tunes. The biggest song a long of the night was by far ‘Awake My Soul.’ The loudest ovations of the night, I would say were for ‘The Cave’ and ‘Little Lion Man,’ both off the debut.

Lead singer Marcus Mumford did a good job of mixing in the older material with the new. ‘Lover of the Light’ and ‘Dust Bowl Dance’ both added some familiarity after a series of new tunes. Marcus is one of the most impressive frontmen in my opinion. Not only does he sing, but he’s going back and forth with acoustic and electric guitar, while operating a kick drum. He even goes over to the set and plays a full drum kit on a few tunes.

  The Wall Street Journal

One thing that surprised me was the attitude of former banjo player turned guitarist Winston Marshall. In my past Mumford show experiences, Winston has always been the lovable banjo player who’s smiling, getting the crowd going, and making jokes on stage. I’m not sure if he was having a bad night, but he was oddly quiet. There was no interaction between himself and the audience on the evening.

The rest of the gang voiced their appreciation though and put on a great set. The encore was phenomenal. After three favorites, the Mumford’s ripped through new single ‘The Wolf’ as the final song on the night. I believe this was the best tune. The rocking guitars and whaling chorus make it seem more like a punk song with a Mumford appeal. It was a great ending.

Another awesome show from Mumford, but nothing topping that Babel tour. I like the new album, but not as much as those original two. It’ll be interesting to see what direction the guys go from here. But still a worthwhile show.


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