How to Write a Short Professional Bio (With Examples and Templates)

How to Write a Short Professional Bio (With Examples and Templates)

Your professional bio is one of the most important things you’ll write about yourself.

In a world where just about everyone is represented online in some capacity, your professional bio will often serve as your first introduction to your intended audience. It can help influence whether someone invites you to connect, interview you, or simply move on.

But how does your professional bio work in tandem with your resume to tell your unique story? And what are some short professional bio examples you can reference to craft your own—helping you strike the perfect balance between informative and engaging?

3 key takeaways

  • What a short professional bio is and where to use one
  • How to write your professional bio (plus short professional bio examples and templates)
  • How to use the Teal AI Resume Builder to write a short, professional bio

What is a short professional bio?

A short professional bio is exactly what it sounds like — a short professional biography that introduces yourself and gives a brief overview of your career and accomplishment examples. A short professional bio gives future employees, colleagues, and anyone else you’re networking with a more well-rounded picture of who you are.

We recognize that “short” is a vague term and can mean many different things. But the good news is, unless you’re dealing with a certain character or space limit, there is no magic length that your bio has to be. Most short bios tend to run anywhere from one to four paragraphs, but feel free to make yours whatever length you think would work best for you.

Your short professional bio can be displayed many different places, including but not limited to: your website, LinkedIn profile, Twitter profile, in press features, and your resume.

What should I include in a short professional bio?

Before you sit down to write your bio, it might be helpful for you to think of it as not only a bio, but also an elevator pitch for your target audience. You want to produce a compelling professional bio. Your bio should answer the question: what would you want someone who doesn’t know you at all to know about your career so far?

Below are some thought-starters to set you up for success.

As a working professional

Whether you’ve been working for six months or 15 years, consider including these in your bio:

  • Your name
  • Where you’re based
  • Where you’re from
  • What university, trade school, or bootcamp you attended (if any)
  • Your current or former career titles
  • Your career goals
  • Relevant awards, accolades, or press features you’ve garnered
  • Your professional experience, skills, and area(s) of expertise
  • What you like to do in your spare time (personal interests, hobbies, side hustles, etc.)

To make sure you’re providing the most relevant skills to a potential employer, use Teal’s Skills Database in the free Skills Workbook to identify your current skills and potential skills that you want to acquire. Once you’ve identified those, enter them into Teal’s Skills Identifier.

As a student

Even if you’re still in school, there’s plenty of information you can include in your bio, like:

  • Your name
  • Where you’re from
  • What university, trade school, or bootcamp you’re attending
  • Your area of study or intended major
  • Any clubs, teams, volunteering, or other extracurriculars you’re a part of
  • Any internships you’ve completed
  • Your career goals
  • Your availability

‍As someone starting their career journey, make sure you know what interests you and what will make you excited to go to work each day. We have a tool, the Interests Workbook, to help you map out the things you’re excited about and apply those insights to your job search.

Use Teal’s Interest Workbook to help you identify your interests and how they align with your skills.

How to write a short professional bio

If you’re ready to begin writing your professional bio, we commend you. We’ve listed a few things here that you might find helpful to consider, but again, there is no steadfast formula. You can feel free to follow or ignore these suggestions however you see fit.

Choose your voice

You have the option to write your bio using either first or third person. When using first person, you will be utilizing the pronouns “I, me, and my”. When using third person, you would refer to yourself using your name and preferred pronouns.

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Ultimately, the choice is yours. However, as a general rule, using third person is typically considered more formal, while using first person is more casual.

First person example: “I am a bestselling author. My work has been published in XYZ publication.”

Third person example: “Zane Smith is a bestselling author. His work has been published in XYZ publication.”

If you want to have multiple versions of the same bio on hand, like a first person version and a third person version, our tools are designed to make this easy for you. Write as many versions of your bio as you need and rotate which one you use in which situation as your career evolves.

Generate your professional bio with AI

You can also use our AI Resume Builder to generate multiple versions of your short professional bio. Your bio will be tailored based on the details and achievements you’ve included about your recent work experiences.

Try it yourself for free.

Choose your tone

Written words, like spoken speech, can embody many different moods and tones. Depending on the context and your personal brand, you might decide your bio should sound more buttoned-up, or more relaxed, or even a little bit silly.

These two sentences describe the same person but showcase very different tones and writing style:

“A recent graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Sally is currently a consultant at XYZ Consulting based out of their New York office.”

“A recent UPenn grad, Sally swore off econ after years of hard classes only to end up as a consultant at a major firm — but don’t worry, she loves it.”

Start with your name and your current or most recent role

This is not a hard and fast rule, but to get your bio started, it’s usually easiest to start with your name and current professional title or role.

Example: “Zane Smith is currently the Demand Generation Manager at ABC Tech Company.”

If you’re transitioning between roles or switching industries, you can list your most recent role and use your first sentence to say what you’re looking to become.

Example 1: “Previously the Demand Generation Manager at ABC Tech Company, Zane Smith is actively pursuing new opportunities in marketing management.”

Example 2: “Previously the Demand Generation Manager at ABC Tech Company, Zane Smith is now an aspiring 2nd grade teacher.”

Add any former titles and list relevant achievements

Once you’ve introduced yourself and your current title or aspirations, you can flow into your professional background, former job titles, and what you did previously. Together, the first two sentences of your bio could read something like this:

“Zane Smith is currently the Demand Generation Manager at ABC Tech Company. Previously, he was a Marketing Specialist at FGH Tech Company where he grew paid traffic to their website by 500% year over year.”

How can you ensure your bullet point achievements reflect your qualifications? In addition to using Teal’s free Achievement Assistant tool within the AI Resume Builder, try leveraging ChatGPT for this part of the process. Just remember to copy and paste ChatGPT-generated resume achievements back into your AI Resume Builder.

Remember to personalize your bullet point achievements by proofreading and editing them, tweaking as needed using the Achievement Assistant tool.

Consider adding the “why” behind your story

Self-promotion can feel incredibly uncomfortable, but it’s important to really make sure you don’t undermine your own value. Your “why,” the reason that you do what you do everyday, can be powerful and meaningful. Adding what gives you the spark to start each workday can set your own professional bio apart from others.

Example: “Claire was inspired to pursue a career in elder law after volunteering in a nursing home throughout high school and college.”

Close with some personal details, if appropriate

Even though your bio will be used in a professional capacity, it’s okay to list a few personal details. We’re more than just our jobs, and adding a few personal facts can help illustrate who you are outside of the office.

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Example: “When he’s not working, Martin can be found tending to his spice garden and going on nature walks with his golden retriever.”

Short professional bio do’s and don’ts

Even though there are no official rules for writing a bio, there are still some things you should try to strive for as well as steer clear of if you want to make the best possible impression.


Be real: Your bio is not the place to fudge the truth about who you are. Be honest about what you’ve done and where you’re heading. Not telling the truth could bar you from achieving your goals and land you in hot water.

Be concise: We really hate to be the one to tell you this, but unfortunately, most people do not have the time or patience to read a five-paragraph essay about your life story. Sorry to break it to you!

Try to keep things brief and avoid run-on sentences. We recommend running your bio through a free clarity readergrammar-checking tool to make sure your bio isn’t too wordy or hard to understand.

Be relatable: No matter how lofty your accomplishments are, staying grounded may help you establish stronger connections with others. This is where adding personal details and highlighting your personal brand can serve you well. Whether that’s with a hobby, interest, or other role outside of work, being relatable can let others understand and get to know you better and determine if you would be a good fit for a company.


Be arrogant: It’s both appropriate and expected for you to talk about your professional skills and accomplishments in your short bio. That being said, there’s a fine line between talking about your achievements and sounding too braggy. These two examples talk about the same accomplishment but come across very differently:

“An accomplished pianist, Ryan was selected out of nearly 7,000 applicants to perform at the annual New York State School Music Association festival last spring.”

“An accomplished pianist, Ryan was the obvious choice to perform at the annual New York State School Music Association festival last spring (because he’s the best).”

Be spiteful: This is especially relevant if you’re revising your bio after a lay-off or termination. As tempting as it might be, avoid making any negative statements or accusations in your bio. Positivity and a good attitude will get you much further.

Short professional bio examples

Seeing real professional bios in the wild might help you craft your bio more so than a set of guidelines will. For that reason, we rounded up four real-life short bio examples on different platforms that you can draw further inspiration from.

Personal website bio: Audree Kate Lopez

Why we picked it: Audree’s professional bio does a great job at telling and humbling her story. Taking her career from her dorm room all the way to major magazines is impressive and gives readers the right impression that she’s ambitious and driven. It also gives a strong overview of all of the different yet relevant accomplishments she’s checked off, ranging from styling, to editing, to creating her own course.

LinkedIn bio: Christen Nino De Guzman

Why we picked it: Christen’s professional bio is punchy, concise, and gives her credibility. The short few sentences at the very beginning are a creative and clever way to describe who she is right off the bat. She also mentions how many years of experience she has, which at this stage in her career, is a wise move and shows that she brings a high level of expertise to her pursuits. The decision to put her social media profiles makes sense and feels true to her, given her engaged following.

Twitter bio: Dulma

Why we picked it: Twitter only gives you 160 characters for your bio, truly keeping it a short bio, but Dulma does an excellent job maximizing what little space is given. Dulma’s professional bio clearly and succinctly states her two main pursuits: being a founder of an online community and creating content for a large audience on TikTok.

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Company website bios: Teachable

Why we picked it: Having a short professional bio on a company website can be beneficial for many reasons. Each of the four bios featured on Teachable’s company site show individuality and make the company more relatable to customers or clients. It provides an opportunity for the individual to showcase their experience, skills, and achievements, which can help build trust and confidence in potential clients or customers. These bios, with full names and pictures, allow the reader to learn more about the individual’s expertise and background and can encourage networking opportunities.

Short professional bio templates

If you prefer to plug and play or need a professional bio in a pinch, don’t worry, we’ve still got you. Here are three short bio templates to get you started:

Short professional bio template for working professionals

[First name last name][currently/formerly] [insert most recent job title][most recent company name] [school or university][field][explain what led to your decision to work in your industry][previous title][previous company] [insert professional accomplishments here][insert your favorite hobbies]

Short professional bio template for students

[First name last name][year][institution] [area(s) of study][First name] [activity name][insert details about what you do for the activity you’re involved in][interned/worked][organization name][insert details about what you did on the job][insert field name or industry][insert what you are passionate about][insert your favorite hobbies]

Short professional bio template for someone with a gap in employment

[First name last name][position/job title] [number][specific skills or industry][briefly mention the reason for the employment gap][he/she/they] [briefly mention what they did during the gap, e.g., personal development, family obligations, health reasons][he/she/they][briefly mention any relevant skills or achievements acquired during the gap][Name] [specific skills/accomplishments][his/her/their][list specific achievements or skills][Name][his/her/their][specific industry/profession] [his/her/their]

If you decide to use any of these templates, we strongly recommend you tweak it ever-so-slightly. We don’t mean diving into creative writing and rewriting it entirely; just add a little bit of personal flair once you’ve finished plugging your details in. Add some adjectives, remove anything that doesn’t quite fit with your vibe or experiences, or append some more personal details as you see fit. Feel free to work off of any one of the bios from our resume examples to get feel for how different styles can be used across roles.

Remember, as cheesy as it sounds, there’s only one you. Even if you use a template, your bio should still have a small sprinkle of personal flair, if possible.

Create your professional bio with Teal

Crafting a professional bio that effectively showcases your unique skills and accomplishments can be a challenging task. It’s important to keep in mind that your bio should be concise and focused on the most relevant details of your career. If you’re struggling with what to include, consider starting with the basics and keeping it simple and factual.

Remember, your bio can evolve over time along with your career, so don’t be afraid to make updates as you gain more experience and achieve new accomplishments. By taking these steps, you can create a friendly and professional bio that effectively represents your personal brand.

Ready to create a full set of professional bios to get to your next career goal faster? Sign up to start using the AI Resume Builder to generate professional your professional bios directly within the platform.

Once you have your professional bio, don’t forget to use Teal’s free AI Resume Builder to update your resume with your skills, latest experience, and work achievements! The job of your resume is to get you in the door. Optimizing it will help you land interviews for the next opportunities that excite you.

Use the AI integration feature within Teal’s AI Resume Builder to generate achievements. To get quality, metric-driven achievements, make sure to attach a job description to incorporate relevant keywords.