How do I get a copy of my collision report? Use the WRECR application above to order and download your collision report electronically, or you can request a report by mail using the process above.
Why do I have to pay $10.50? We are directed by RCW 46.52.085 to collect a fee for production of a collision report.
Can I go to your office and get my report? Yes, there is a kiosk located in our lobby to search and order your collision report. Collision Records staff can assist you if needed. Please refer to office hours and contact information to ensure we are open and available.
How long does it take for my report to be available? Officers completing the collision reports have 2-4 weeks to complete their investigation and have their report approved by their supervisor. It is typically available much sooner, but that is the guideline.
Can you give me collision details over the phone? No, we do not give out collision information over the phone.
What do all of the codes on the side of the collision report mean?
Side coding is used on a collision report to categorize the massive amounts of collision details contained in the report. The Overlay Sheets will assist you in understanding what each box represents.
Use the sheet “Overlay for Collisions Happening before 12-31-2019” if your collision occurred at any time BEFORE 12-31-2019.
Use the sheet “Overlay for Collisions Happening after 01-01-2022” if your collision occurred at any time AFTER 01-01-2022.
I have a collision on my record, can you remove it? No, The Department of Licensing (DOL) is the custodian of your Abstract Driving Record (ADR). If there is a mistake on your driving record, please contact DOL at 360-902-3900.
If there is a mistake on my collision report, how do I fix it? Only the officer that completed the report has the authority to make any changes to the report.
How far back do your records go? Our retention schedule is 10 years.
Can I get a certified copy of a collision report? Yes, but it typically takes 5-7 business days to complete that request.
It has been weeks since my collision, I received a no record found on your WRECR application, how come? If an officer arrived at the scene and completed a report, they typically would provide you an exchange of information or direct you to our website, if the damage threshold of $1,000 was not met based on their observation, they would direct you to complete a citizen report. If unsure, please contact the officer or department that arrived at the scene for verification.