Richard Sherman still upset about 49ers Super Bowl choke job against Patrick Mahomes’ Chiefs

Richard Sherman still upset about 49ers Super Bowl choke job against Patrick Mahomes’ Chiefs

Richard Sherman is one of the best cornerbacks to ever play in the NFL, but even he was once outplayed by Patrick Mahomes. Back in Super Bowl LIV, the Kansas City Chiefs defeated the San Francisco 49ers 31-20.

Sherman, who has won a Super Bowl with the Seattle Seahawks, was part of the team that conceded 21 unanswered points in the fourth quarter of that Super Bowl.

Recently, Sherman discussed that loss, and here’s what he said on Undisputed:

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Skip Bayless tried to put the blame on Jimmy Garoppolo for the 49ers’ loss, but Sherman defended his former teammate and said:

Patrick Mahomes didn’t start that game well and threw two interceptions but bounced back well. He finished the game with 26/42 completions for 286 yards and two passing touchdowns to win the first Super Bowl of his career.

On the other hand, Garoppolo finished the game with 20/31 completions for 219 yards, a touchdown pass, and two interceptions. Since then the San Francisco 49ers haven’t been to another Super Bowl, while the Chiefs have won another one.

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Richard Sherman firmly believes that Patrick Mahomes is the best quarterback in NFL

Patrick Mahomes: Kansas City Chiefs v Las Vegas Raiders

While Skip Bayless said that Joe Burrow is better than Mahomes, Richard Sherman firmly believes that the Chiefs quarterback is the best in the NFL.

Sherman highlighted how Burrow’s supporting cast is better than that of Mahomes, while also having a better defense. Despite that, he led the Kansas City Chiefs to a Super Bowl while playing on a bad ankle, which was truly remarkable.

In the second MVP-winning campaign of his career, Mahomes finished with a 105.2 with 5,250 yards, 41 touchdowns, and 12 interceptions in 17 games. (StatMuse)

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