‘A bad man came into class wearing army clothes’: Heartbreaking accounts from child survivors of Sandy Hook massacre and images from inside the school released in final police report

‘A bad man came into class wearing army clothes’: Heartbreaking accounts from child survivors of Sandy Hook massacre and images from inside the school released in final police report
  • Shattered school windows, bullet marks in the walls and blood stains in the hallway seen in police images
  • Terrified 911 calls from teachers calling for help during attack are released
  • Discarded handgun seen in doorway of classroom where Lanza’s rampage ended
  • Evidence made public as police release full report into massacre

By Daniel Bates

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A discarded handgun lays in the doorway of classroom 10, where Adam Lanza’s deadly rampage in Sandy Hook elementary school finally came to an end.

The photo was part of several images and heartbreaking 911 calls made public today as Newtown Police released their full report into the massacre.

The police file, which runs to 7,000 pages, vividly illustrates the terror that came to the Connecticut community a year ago this month and includes the heartbreaking interviews with the children who survived the horrific attack which left 20 children and six teachers dead.

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Police were careful when interviewing the children, only meeting them if their parents requested it. At the end of the interviews they were given a copy of the children’s book A Terrible Thing Happened to help them process what they had seen.

In one of the interview, a boy sits down with his parents and a police officer at the Newtown Police station and says that he saw ‘everything’.

The child says that a ‘bad man’ suddenly came into their class wearing ‘army clothes’ and firing a ‘bazooka’. He saw his teacher get shot and knew she was dead.

Lanza fired at the boy multiple times but missed by inches and hit something the child was holding in his hand.

The boy dropped the stuffed animal he was holding in his other hand and ‘ran, and ran, and ran’ out of the school, past the bloodied body of principal Dawn Hochsprung.

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A second pupil recounted to police how he heard loud noises outside his classroom that he thought were a hammer.

The door ‘banged open’ and Lanza, who the boy described as tall and skinny, shot somebody in the classroom dead and she ‘fell down’.

Everyone was screaming and ran out of the classroom after Lanza apparently moved on to kill others.

In the first grade classroom of teacher Lauren Rousseau only one girl survived out of 15 pupils, plus Miss Rousseau.

When police came into the room the six-year-old told them: ‘I’m scared and I want to go home.’

The released evidence included the emergency calls made by teachers as they called for help during the 11-minute rampage.

An unnamed woman called 911 with a group of five-year-old children around her, who did not make a sound as she talked under her breath.

She says: ‘I at Sandy Hook school, there’s somebody shooting guns. I’m bleeding, my foot’s bleeding. I’m in the Kindergarten room.’

The woman was told by the 911 dispatcher to lie on the floor, as she said she was unable to lock her door.

She says: ‘He’s out in the hallway, whomever it is … He keeps firing. Oh gosh I hear shooting!

‘Oh my God, just shooting, whoever it is is just shooting.’

A large section is beeped out in which it is thought gunfire is clearly audible.

In another recording another woman anxiously told police that she had a classroom full of 16 pupils and had locked the door.

Sounding on the edge of panic, she says: ‘I need assistance urgently, I’m in a classroom with kids. I can’t see anyone. The door is locked. The sound is still going on.’


Another woman at Sandy Hook called 911 and said: ‘There’s something going on at our school. We hear something over the loudspeaking, it sounds like a loud popping noise.’

Asked if it sounds like a gun, she says: ‘Yes, I think so.’

The Newtown police file also shows up moments of heroism and chaos. A police officer found one of the teacher’s bodies slumped over pupils in an attempt to protect them.

Teachers insisted that police put their badges under the door before they opened it up because so they were so scared the gunman was still out there.

One officer described how there as a ‘massive pile of bodies’ in the bathroom of one of the classrooms which he counted as a total of 15 pupils and teachers.

Rick Thorne, the school’s janitor, was heard telling the dispatcher in a panicked voice: ‘I keep hearing shooting – I keep hearing popping.’

He also said: ‘There’s still shooting going on! Please!’

The first call, which lasted 24 seconds, was from school secretary Barbara Halstead who said: ‘I think there’s somebody shooting in here in Sandy Hook School.’

Asked why she thought that, she said: ‘Somebody’s got a gun I saw a glimpse of somebody running down the hallway, they’re still around me there’s still shooting. Sandy Hook please.’

Descriptions from the first officers to arrive at the school revealed harrowing details, including the sight of a teacher’s body covering the children they had tried to shied.

A witness told police they had seen Lanza, wearing a hat and sunglasses, enter the school hallway and begin shooting.

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When police arrived at the school and found Lanza’s body, they tried to get a response and asked who had shot him, according to the Hartford Courant.

Officers who saw the 20-year-old’s body said: ‘He appeared to have the body size of a 12-year-old.’

An officer who helped bring surviving children to safety told them ‘to cover their eyes’ and one of the first officers to arrive on the scene feared being ambushed.

The release of the tapes was met with controversy, with some parents asking for them not to be made public.

Among those who had campaigned for them to stay private was Nicole Hockley, who son Dylan, six, died.

She said they were ‘not in anybody’s interest’ and not how she wants to remember her son.

The prosecutor in charge of the Newtown investigation, State’s Attorney Stephen Sedensky, also argued that releasing the tapes could prove painful to the victims’ families, hurt the investigation, subject witnesses to harassment and violate the rights of survivors who deserve special protection as victims of child abuse.

Despite their efforts, six 911 tapes had already been released by the Danbury State Attorney General in a summary of the police report that was released today.

In them Lanza can clearly be heard opening fire as he walked through the classrooms, shooting the pupils along with six of their teachers.