Lamar Jackson vs. Kyler Murray in 2022? NFL analyst gives verdict on QB debate

Lamar Jackson vs. Kyler Murray in 2022? NFL analyst gives verdict on QB debate

Lamar Jackson and Kyler Murray have been the topic of some debate recently. We’re deep into the offseason and this at time of year players and fans critique everyone’s top-position player lists. One list that has received a lot of attention is the top-10 quarterback list that ESPN released this week.

NFL analyst Louis Riddick talked about a few of the quarterbacks who were left out of the top-10. He thinks Kyler Murray matches well with any of the quarterbacks on the list.

Riddick said:

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He continued:

He went on to say:

Riddick added that if he had to pick between Kyler Murray and Lamar Jackson right now, he’d choose Murray:

Here is the list of the top-10 according to league executives, coaches, scouts, and players:

Lamar Jackson compared to Kyler Murray

Indianapolis Colts v Baltimore Ravens

Although Riddick put Kyler Murray above Lamar Jackson, he doesn’t have as good a resume. In 2019 alone, Jackson won the league MVP by a unanimous vote.

Lamar Jackson has led the Ravens to the playoffs three times but is just 1-3 in his post-season career. Murray’s only been to the post-season once, and has a 0-1 record.

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Both players are currently looking for new contracts, with Jackson entering the last year of his deal. Previously, he suggested he was willing to wait until the end of the season, however recent rumors have him looking to negotiate now.

Both quarterbacks are likely to receive big-money deals before the season starts. If Jackson is in fact ready to negotiate. As to which one is better, that will be decided when the season kicks off in two months time.

If you use any of the above quotes, please credit NFL On ESPN and H/T Sportskeeda

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