Who is Steve Kerr’s daughter Madeleine Kerr? Taking closer look at personal life of Team USA basketball head coach

Who is Steve Kerr’s daughter Madeleine Kerr? Taking closer look at personal life of Team USA basketball head coach
Video steve kerr daughter

Unlike her father, Steve Kerr’s daughter was not a basketball star. Instead, she used her talents in the world of volleyball. Before graduating from UC Berkeley, Madeline Kerr was a defensive anchor for the women’s volleyball team.

Even as a young child, Steve Kerr’s daughter had no intentions of playing the game of basketball. She discovered volleyball when she was 10, and it’s been her passion ever since.

With her father being an NBA player, Madeline Kerr did a lot of moving around during her childhood. The now Golden State Warriors head coach played for eight different franchises during his 15 years in the league.

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These days, Madeline Kerr calls California her home. She graduated from Berkeley with a degree in Media Studies. Currently, she works as a paralegal in San Francisco. This is good news for her father, who is close by coaching Steph Curry and the Warriors.

Is Steve Kerr’s daughter his only child?

Madeline Kerr is not the only child of Steve Kerr as he and his wife have multiple children. They have two sons, Nick and Matthew.

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Unlike his sister, Nick decided to follow his father’s passion and get into basketball. Right now, he is on the same path as Steve in coaching. Just recently, Nick was named the head coach of the Golden State Warriors’ G-league affiliate, the Santa Cruz Warriors.

Before getting into coaching, Nick played college basketball for four seasons. The 6-foot-3 guard played three years at San Diego before spending his senior year at California.

Nick played in 47 total college games and averaged 1.3 points and 0.1 rebounds. He did show shades of his father, shooting 40% from beyond the arc.

Things might not have worked out as a player, but there is still hope for Nick. During his career, his father has also had great success as a coach and executive. Along with winning five rings as a player, he’s added four more as coach of the Golden State Warriors.

This offseason, Steve is not getting much of a break. He is spending the summer coaching Team USA in the FIBA World Cup. Instead of coaching guys like Steph Curry and Klay Thompson, he’ll have the services of Anthony Edwards, Jalen Brunson and many more.

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