NFL Trade Rumors: 3 reasons why Todd Gurley should sign with the Baltimore Ravens

NFL Trade Rumors: 3 reasons why Todd Gurley should sign with the Baltimore Ravens

Only a few years ago, Todd Gurley was in the conversation for best running back in the NFL. Today, he is struggling to find a team. But the NFL zeitgeist is thinking about how Todd Gurley would look in a Baltimore Ravens uniform. Here’s why Todd Gurley should be doing what he can to get in with the Baltimore Ravens.

#1 – Great shot at a Super Bowl

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When the Los Angeles Rams made it to the Super Bowl, Todd Gurley had big hopes of getting his first ring. But those hopes were dashed thanks to Tom Brady and the New England Patriots. If Todd Gurley were to join the Baltimore Ravens, he would be joining a team that is playoff-caliber and potentially good enough to have a run at a Super Bowl in the next couple of seasons.

For a running back like Todd Gurley, who has come so close to winning it all, he must feel there is some unfinished business in that area. By joining the Baltimore Ravens, Gurley has a shot to redeem himself.

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#2 – A lot of opportunities to get extra playing time

The Baltimore Ravens have one of the most unique offenses in the NFL. Their entire reputation is built on how they run the ball more than any other team. Their running game is as explosive as the top throwing teams.

With all of the extra running, it is only a matter of time until the team catches the injury bug. Any extra injuries would only give Todd Gurley opportunities to play more and show that he still belongs as a top starter in the NFL.

#3 – Not a very competitive running back group

The Baltimore Ravens have been one of the top running games in the NFL over the last few years. However, they have been able to do it without star running backs. 2021’s depth chart will be equally unremarkable. It will feature JK Dobbins as the starter, which is a bit of a gamble as he enters only his second season in the NFL.

Behind JK Dobbins will be Gus Edwards, Justice Hill and Ty’Son Williams. Todd Gurley should be able to beat out Justice Hill and Ty’Son Williams by his name alone. While JK Dobbins and Gus Edwards are both coming off solid seasons (over 800 yards earned by each player in 2020), they have been boosted by an offensive line that opens massive holes for the running backs.

Todd Gurley

With the same offensive line, Todd Gurley could beat out at least one of the top two running backs for the job and have a home on a possible Super Bowl contending team.

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