How Chiropractic Care Changed Tom Brady’s Career

How Chiropractic Care Changed Tom Brady’s Career

Chiropractic has been able to help many athletes in a variety of sports. You may have noticed the internet is filled with familiar faces sharing their experiences with chiropractic care. One being Tom Brady.

As you may have watched, yesterday evening Tom Brady led the Patriots to their 9th super bowl appearance, 7 of which they have won and 5 of those rings belonging to Tom Brady. Now, you may have an opinion of the team and their franchise quarterback – but there is something to say he is an incredible athlete. Doing a quick search of Tom Brady, you will find his remarkable statistics, what you may also find is his quote on chiropractic, which says it all: “Chiropractic just makes you feel so much better. When I walk out of the clinic, I feel like I’m about three inches taller and everything’s in place. And as long as I see the chiropractor, I feel like I’m one step ahead of the game.” Brady joins many athletes, including all of the athletes participating in the recent Olympic Games, in being able to take advantage of chiropractors’ knowledge of human anatomy to help them heal faster from injuries, prevent future health problems, and even improve their athletic performance. Chiropractic care is currently a method of treatment for 32 NFL teams.

Nothing that Tom Brady has said about chiropractic care will come as a surprise to the chiropractic team physician, Dr. Michael Miller, for the Patriots for the past 30 years. He works with anywhere from 30 to 40 Patriots players before each game and is available for specific injuries during the game.

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Chiropractic is a natural form of treatment that’s a great fit for elite athletes, who are in a sense like high-performance racing cars. They’re fast, but their bodies are also subjected to tremendous forces when they perform, both during training and competition. These athletes simply can’t rely on drugs to keep playing and most wouldn’t even if they could. As individuals as well, our bodies are subjected to everyday obstacles that most cannot rely on drugs or overpriced surgery to feel better.

Many athletes in many sports have joined Tom Brady in telling their own stories and offering their endorsements for the profession. Many athletes identify with chiropractic care because it has helped them be more injury-free and kept their bodies performing more optimally, which has made them better at their sport over the course of their careers. But even if you’re not a professional athlete, you too can benefit from regular chiropractic adjustments. Dr. Gallentine has had the pleasure to treat local athletes from surrounding schools to prepare them for their upcoming games to prevent any injuries. He has also treated post-injury patient athlete’s to have them return to the game better then ever.

Whether chiropractic care ultimately helps to improve your golf or tennis game, or just helps you recover from “overdoing it” during the weekend, isn’t that something you’d want to consider?

To learn more, please give our office a call or stop in to visit.