NFL fans believe Tom Brady’s latest $70k Miami Beach purchase a sign of things to come

NFL fans believe Tom Brady’s latest k Miami Beach purchase a sign of things to come

After the Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ loss against the Dallas Cowboys, there’s only one real worry for fans: What will Tom Brady do?

The QB has struggled this season, unable to lead his team to another playoff appearance or the Super Bowl. Naturally, fans are curious about Brady’s next move, considering the 45-year-old has already come out of retirement once.

Recent reports, however, mentioned a property Brady has rented in Miami. Fans have been trying to connect the dots, with a few of them convinced that Brady will be joining the Miami Dolphins.

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A couple of fans were rather unhappy with the decision, adding that they did not want their team to select a worse QB. Though Brady has seven Super Bowl titles under his name, the Bucs have struggled with their offense their entire season.

The team was 8-9 during the regular season, and eventually exited after a wild-card loss against the Cowboys.

A few fans, however, defended Brady and his decision. They mentioned that every decision he makes might not be related to football or his next NFL move. Furthermore, even his ex-wife Gisele Bundchen lives in Miami with his children, and it might have been the reason for this development.

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Fans also marveled at the location and connected it to him being a bachelor spending time off in Miami.

How much is Tom Brady spending on his new Miami apartment?

As per reports, Tom Brady has rented a luxury apartment in Miami Beach. He will be paying $70,000 per month from January, and made the decision ahead of the playoffs.

Like many fans mentioned, Gisele and the children are currently living in Miami.

Tom Brady at the NFC Wild Card Playoffs - Dallas Cowboys v Tampa Bay Buccaneers game

As their divorce was confirmed last year, Bundchen was reported to have purchased a $11.5 million house in Miami. This was close to Brady’s residence, and was suspected to be a move for them to be able to co-parent properly.

Bundchen also bought a $1.3 million cottage along with the mansion, which could be used for her staff or work purposes.

That being said, this is not the first time Tom Brady has been connected to the Miami Dolphins. In a previous podcast appearance, NFL insider Mike Florio revealed that Brady was talking to the Dolphins.

Florio believes Brady’s talks with the Dolphins also affected his marriage, as the star QB was hoping to keep his conversations with the team a secret.

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