NFL fans believe Tom Brady missed training to undergo some facial enhancements

NFL fans believe Tom Brady missed training to undergo some facial enhancements

Tom Brady recently returned to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers after spending some time away dealing with a personal matter. Brady missed over a week of training camp, which caused rampant speculation among fans, who questioned why the legendary quarterback needed to take time off.

Wild theories emerged, including that he was on the verge of divorce and that his mother’s health was in decline. The wildest theory was that the quarterback took time away to film for The Masked Singer.

Although that rumor has been shot down, NFL fans can’t quite shake the idea that all is not what it seems. Brady admittedly looked a bit rough in his most recent press conference, which prompted speculation from fans about potential plastic surgery.

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Many even compared him to Handsome Squidward, who also had his face reconstructed. Here are some of the top comments:

It’s unlikely that the seven-time Super Bowl winner took time away to have plastic surgery, but stranger things have happened.

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Is Tom Brady headed for a down year with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers?

Tom Brady - Tampa Bay Buccaneers Training Camp

Even if the answer to that question is yes, it still more than likely means a solid year. Tom Brady has been so good for so long that a down year for him is what some quarterbacks aim to play like.

Brady is 45 years old, and at some point, Father Time will catch up. He missed a little bit of the preseason, which he could have used to build relationships with newcomers Julio Jones and Kyle Rudolph. He could also have used the time to learn Todd Bowles’ system, which would be pertinent since Bruce Arians retired.

There’s also the possibility that his mind is not on football. He retired in the offseason, which shows he is almost ready to step away. Retiring is a big decision to make and even though he changed his mind, he might not be all the way there.

Still, he’s widely considered the greatest football player of all time for good reason. If anyone can overcome these setbacks, it’s Tom Brady. He’s defied all odds for so long, so who’s to say he won’t do it again and succeed this season?

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