7x Super Bowl champion Tom Brady admits he’s still stoked to meet his inspiration Michael Jordan: “Even when I see Mike today”

7x Super Bowl champion Tom Brady admits he’s still stoked to meet his inspiration Michael Jordan: “Even when I see Mike today”
Video tom brady with michael jordan

Michael Jordan isn’t just arguably the greatest NBA player of all time, to many, he’s the greatest athlete in human history. Many who watched Jordan’s career play out in real time couldn’t help but feel mesmerized, even inspired, by his abilities on-court.

Fans weren’t the only ones left amazed by his performances though, even among other athletes, Michael Jordan is a legend among legends.

Despite the fact that NFL legend Tom Brady has met Jordan on a number of occasions, and even played basketball with him, the former quarterback is still in awe of MJ. In addition to the fact that the duo have shared the court together, they have also golfed together.

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Over the years, the two have developed a friendship. Despite that, the NFL icon still gets ecstatic at every opportunity to meet Jordan. During a recent interview with Patrick Bet-David on the latter’s podcast, Brady spoke about their friendship:

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How Michael Jordan and other NBA stars have inspired Tom Brady

Although Tom Brady is widely considered the greatest quarterback of all time, he still finds himself inspired by athletes, just like fans. As American fans may recall, Brady himself wasn’t always poised to be the success he eventually was.


When he entered the NFL, TB12 did so as the 199th pick in the 2000 NFL draft, with a physique that left many questioning his athleticism. Despite that, he managed to overcome the odds and become wildly successful. As a result, he can’t help but be inspired by other athletes who overcame the odds.

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On the flip side, Steph Curry has gone on the record as saying that he’s been inspired by Tom Brady’s longevity. When looking at his career, Curry wants to try and emulate Brady’s longevity. Whether or not he manages to play until 45, like Brady did, it’s safe to say the respect goes both ways.

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