Grand Départ Florence Émilie-Romagne 2024

Grand Départ Florence Émilie-Romagne 2024

HAND IN HAND Florence and Emilia-Romagna are physically linked by mountains. The Apuan Alps, the most impressive part of the chain that surrounds Tuscany, extend towards the Emilia-Romagna Apennines. Their passion for cycling is the other link that unites them, the two locations the birthplace of no fewer than three Tour de France champions between them: Gino Bartali, Gastone Nencini and Marco Pantani.Florence is the cradle of art, literature and architecture, the birthplace of the Renaissance and the Italian language. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is universally recognised as one of the world’s most beautiful cities, thanks to its many monuments and museums, which attract millions of tourists every year. Proud of its past, Florence is also looking to the future with a vision focused on sustainable development, creativity and innovation.Emilia-Romagna is built around the green heart of the Apennines, the Po Valley and the Adriatic coast. The ancient Via Emilia, built in Roman times, runs across it from Rimini to Piacenza, an artery that provided the lifeblood to an area rich in culture and with a history stretching back thousands of years. That heritage that is still alive and well, and is now epitomised by Emilia-Romagna’s current position among the most advanced regions in Europe. This is reflected in its economic activity, focused around tourism and the agri-food, textile and automotive industries.


Florence is the cradle of art, literature and architecture, the birthplace of the Renaissance and of the Italian language. Nestled on a territory that for centuries has been characterized by the perfect balance between man and nature, it is a destination for millions of visitors from all over the world every year. Today it is a city proud of its past and future oriented, focused on sustainable development, creativity and innovation.

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Emilia-Romagna is a unique region. Land of doing and land of beauty, with the Apennines as great green heart, the Adriatic coast, the Po river and its valley. Via Emilia, which crosses the region and connects from Rimini to Piacenza, is the beating heart of an area rich in culture and a millenary history. It’s a still living legacy, welded with a present that sees Emilia-Romagna as one of the most advanced territories in Europe, thanks to the tenacity, inspiration and industriousness of its citizens.