Catching Kelce: Season Finale – Arrowhead Pride

Catching Kelce: Season Finale – Arrowhead Pride

From the FanPosts. Thank you to KCBee for being our Catching Kelce correspondent this year. Much appreciated! -Joel

I am going to try to write this entry with an objective opinion, but my apologies (sort of) if it comes off bitter.

Spoilers ahead!

So, tonight was the series finale (thank HEAVENS!) I hope that you all realize that I just sat here for 2 hours of my life to watch this show so that I could blog about it. I seriously about quit halfway through… But I’ll get to that.

Our finalists were Kentucky (Maya), Missouri (Lauren), New Jersey (Veronica), and Colorado (Avery). He began the episode by inviting the final four on a yacht excursion. In preparation for their departure, Maya (I feel like I should use their real names now) made a tearful toast to the final four. I puked in my mouth and wrote on my notes “get f’ing real.” There really may be things that the camera doesn’t show and if that’s the case, I’ll eat my words, but for now… I just don’t buy into her.

They spent the yacht time drinking and playing Never Have I Ever. That game is a metaphor for this show… It reminded me of my college days where we partied until the bar opened again the next morning (Oktoberfest in Hays, KS, anyone?). I forget how young he is and that the drinking thing is where he and those girls are at in their lives. At one point, Maya made a comment about looking 24 long years for this… You are a child. 24 long years? Please.

Maya stole him away first and they spent some time cuddling on the bed. She talked a big game and he seemed to buy into it, but did comment about how she was always the first one to throw the others under the bus. YES!!!

Avery then took her turn and spent the majority of the time (according to Hollywood editing) talking about his overnight adventure with Veronica. What a waste of alone time! Travis questioned her intentions at this point.

In the meantime… While Avery and Kelce were chatting, the camera pans to Maya puking her guts out and it was HILARIOUS! It seemed to be a combination of sea sickness and a whole lot of booze, but I must say that I actually LOL’d.

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Lauren then had her opportunity to spend some one-on-one time with him and the editing job didn’t show a whole lot of depth to their conversation. There was a lot of kissing, but not many words.

Camera pans back to… Maya laying on a seat covered in a blanket, sick.

Veronica spent her time sucking face, too. She was very hands on and they did show her telling him how much she could envision with him in her future, including “loving him.”

They dock and Kelce says he’ll see them all at elimination. As the girls are chilling at the mansion, Avery continues to hound Veronica about their overnight experience together. WHY ARE YOU SO CONCERNED? It’s not your business. Veronica handled it like a champ and asked her if she should come back to the house and tell a bunch of strangers she just met all the details… Good point, girl!

Kelce spent a little time with brother Jason discussing his looming decision. Jason presented to him that Maya is the girl that he always falls for and those relationships have always ended badly. THANK YOU! Try something new, Kelce!

Side note: Kelce’s suit/shoe game is on point. Like, legitimate.

Anyway… Elimination time… He asked each girl where they saw him and her. The first person he sent to the final three was Veronica. The second was Maya. The third was… Avery! Right here is where I wanted to stop watching. I was over it. And then I realized it was a TWO HOUR season finale… Gross. I want it noted that I have homework to do for grad school and am focusing on this even when I wanted to quit. Dedication.

So he took the final three to Kansas City. Good ‘ol Kansas City. He took each one on an individual date, beginning with Avery. They went out to eat at a nice restaurant and then ended up swimming in a blue fountain. He tried to get substance out of her during their conversation at supper and he commented how she always turned everything serious into a joking matter. She spent the night. And when she arrived at the hotel the next morning, Maya and Veronica were waiting with a vicious attack on her overnight visit. She didn’t seem too excited about much, to be honest.

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Veronica was next. He took her on a trolley through the city. His ability to be a tour guide was quite questionable, but he entertained her and she him. They stopped for drinks and some barbecue and Veronica took the opportunity to throw Avery under the bus for not being here for him. He seemed to believe she had his best interest at heart and that she was genuinely there for him.

After Veronica’s date, Kelce calls up to the hotel room and asks Avery to join him on the street. They take a brief walk where he questions her intentions. She responds in a very noncommittal way & he sends her home. She’s a Bronco’s fan anyway, so deuces. I mean, how serious could he REALLY be with a Denver fan? A house divided? Not in this case.

He took Maya to a charity event and wanted to see how she interacted with others without him having to be on her arms the whole night. She just sat there with a shitty grin on her face most of the night. Again, that’s according to Hollywood editing. They went out to eat. He complimented her constant smile. She stayed the night which she said she’d do if given the opportunity, so no surprise here. She came back and played the innocent princess and wouldn’t respond to Veronica’s questioning.

Kelce went to play some Top Golf with his manager (right?), Aaron. Aaron also discussed Kelce’s gravitation to Maya’s type and politely asked Kelce if he could have who he didn’t choose. Kelce commented that he’d know what to expect with Maya, but that Veronica would present a lot of unknowns.

The final elimination..

The went through a suspenseful period where he was going back and forth. The editing job made it seem as if he was going to choose one and then they’d make you think he’d chosen the other. They played this little game for awhile. It was annoying, but necessary for a successful reality TV dating show. I caught up on my bills while they maintained the suspense.

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I’m just going to cut to the chase. He chose Kentucky. For real. Freakin’ Maya. I was texting with a friend during the last few minutes and we both were just…shocked. Surely he will have been watching all of these shows and the reports are that they are still together. How could he, in good conscience, stay with someone who was so vindictive and mean? I guess that’s just not what I imagined he’d be interested in, but it’s not like I know him at all, of course. And again, Hollywood could have made her out to look like the bad guy, I suppose, but she was flat out mean and hateful at times. I don’t care if it’s a competition or a game, do it with some class.

Veronica left commenting about how Maya would break his heart in time and gave Kelce the finger. I speak of clas, but I totally felt the same way. I feel bad for her, but she’ll be fine.

So Travis Kelce chose Maya. Perhaps she’s why he kindly threw his flag at the ref and got ejected. Maybe they broke up! On one hand, that wouldn’t suck because it’d restore my faith that he’s not “that” guy. On the other hand, I hope they’re still together because I don’t want to see a season two.

I know that the sun will come up tomorrow and my opinion of this show will not matter. He is a grown ass man that can make grown ass decisions and that’s on him at the end of the day. His dating life does not affect my daily life at all and I do hope he’s happy for whatever that is worth.

I gues there is no “until next time…” this time, so I bid you farewell in regards to Catching Kelce. Hopefully I have spared some of you the agony of watching it in real life!

I’ll see you guys in KC this weekend! Come say hello if you see my KCBee dressed up!