Where did Cam Newton go? What is he doing now?

Where did Cam Newton go? What is he doing now?
Video what happened to cam newton for the panthers

Cam Newton is one of the greatest, if not the greatest, dual-threat quarterbacks in NFL history, as he was as dominant on the ground as he was in the air. He singlehandedly dragged the less-favored Carolina Panthers to a Super Bowl appearance in 2015, the year he won the NFL MVP trophy for the first and only time.

However, over the past few seasons, Newton has been bouncing in and out of the league, getting lesser roles, and picking up niggling injuries that have robbed him of his explosive power. That has led us to ask, where did Cam Newton go? What is he doing now? Is he good? Here is the answer to all the above questions and an update on what the former league-best quarterback is up to today.

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Where did Cam Newton go?

Cam Newton didn’t go anywhere out of the ordinary; the 2022 NFL season is the first season since he was drafted, and the former number-one overall pick isn’t participating. Before this season, Newton was a contributing member of either the Carolina Panthers or the New England Patriots (for one painful season) for each year of his eleven-year NFL career.

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Newton is out of the league because even though he’s free from injury and ready to play, he does not want to be a backup quarterback on an NFL franchise. Furthermore, it is speculated that Newton turned down at least one offer to be a part of a 53-man roster, meaning he’s still in demand. However, never say never, as Newton is always in peak physical shape, so he might join a playoff contender for the final run of the 2022 NFL season.

What is Cam Newton doing now?

Simply put, Cam Newton is chilling, living his best life, and partaking in activities that he wouldn’t have been changed to if he was part of an active NFL roster for the 2022 NFL season. Newton has been on tons of podcasts all year, with some causing controversy, others adding to the aura around his brand, and the rest just straight-up comedy.

Moreover, now and then, Newton showcases his detailed knowledge of the quarterback position by analyzing games, players, and schemes in the media. Furthermore, he occasionally posts workout videos to prove that he is keeping in shape for a possible recall to the Gridiron.

Cam Newton’s Career Stats

As aforementioned, Cam Newton was an absolute beast on the Gridiron in his heyday, and it was super hard for defensive coordinators to create a plan that could take him out of the game. The reason was that he had a decent arm, an arm that threw 194 touchdown passes.

However, his true strength was on the ground, as the quarterback was simply a QB with the skillset of a Pro Bowl running back. Newton rushed for 5,628 yards, 75 rushing touchdowns, and lost a mere ten fumbles in 148 games throughout his 11-year NFL career.

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As of the time of writing, Newton has a career stat line of 32,382 passing yards, 194 touchdown passes, and 123 interceptions in 148 games. He also has amassed 5,628 rushing yards and 75 touchdowns throughout his career.

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