2016 should be your year to

2016 should be your year to

2016 should be your year to freshen up your style. Regardless of your age, there are a certain number of things you should know when you’re picking out your outfit and getting cleaned up. Cam Newton, owner of the clothing line MADE Cam Newton knows a thing or two about keeping his look fresh, clean and stylish off the field. Here’s some tips you can put to good use; from Cam to you.

1. Keep your clothes looking nice

Learn how to iron. You may think this domestic task is a think of the past, but you should learn! Cam Newton praises his mom for teaching him how to iron. Even during his college days, Cam was on right track with his style and freshly pressed shirts.

Pay attention to the washing directions on the labels of your clothes. If it reads, “hand wash” or “dry clean only”, don’t throw it in the washing machine with a bunch of towels! The better care you take of your clothes, the better you’ll look and feel when wearing them.

2. Keep yourselves smelling good, feeling clean and looking bright

We all have a certain capacity of laziness but in these areas you cannot be a slacker! Cam Newton prefers to steer clear of alcohol and smoking, but that doesn’t mean you have to do the same. His advice to you is simple. Wash your face every morning, brush your teeth, and put on your favorite cologne right after your shower so your pores can fully absorb the scent.

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3. Keep your closet full of the necessities

Do you own at least one suit? Does it really actually fit you? Do you like it? Suits are not only a necessity to have for that job interview you might be hoping for, but they’re also necessary for weddings and that party you have coming up next month. Cam believes you should look neat, clean and sleek all at the same time. If you’re in need of a suit, focus on the color, don’t always think you have to match the suit and jacket colors either. Pay attention to the fit and the pattern. What your dad might be wearing or have tucked away in his closet may not be the best starting point. Take a chance and try a couple different styles on until you find something that makes you pop and stand out from the crowd.

Even if you’re just going out to the bar on a Saturday night with some friends, a well fitted button down always wins over a t-shirt. Keep some short and long sleeved button downs in your closet to wear under your suits or by themselves.

4. Keep your wardrobe free of ‘sloppy’

Wear clothes that fit. It’s plain and simple. If you’re wearing clothes the way they are supposed to fit, people will look at you differently. You don’t have to sacrifice your personal style or individuality, just be sure what you wear fits your body the right way.

5. Keep your eye on the details

If one of those button downs you have requires cuff links, go and get some! If you’re looking for another way to distinguish yourself among the crowd, pick a tie or bow-tie that isn’t something you’d see in the office Monday – Friday. Make sure you know how to properly tie that tie or bow-tie, too! Pick shoes that go with your outfit. Sneakers may be comfortable, but they’re usually not the best fit for a dinner date or even a drink at the bar. These small details really help pull your outfit together and show off your maturity and style preferences.

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Cam’s 14-1 season with the Carolina Panther’s is one thing to celebrate, but we hope this list of style tips makes you like him off the field even a bit more.