What did Drew Brees say when he courted controversy in a bizarre statement about allegiance to the flag? 

What did Drew Brees say when he courted controversy in a bizarre statement about allegiance to the flag? 

Former New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees faced criticism in the summer of 2020 for comments he made during an interview with Yahoo! Finance.

During the interview, he was asked his opinion on what the National Football League should do if players decide to kneel during the National Anthem that upcoming season.

This was during a time when protests against racial injustice were taking place after the murder of George Floyd.

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He responded by saying that he didn’t and could never agree with anyone who disrespected the American Flag.

He stated that when he stands for the National Anthem, he puts his hand over his heart and thinks about his grandfathers who served. He said that he also thinks about the civil rights movement in the 1960s and everyone who fought for justice.

He did say that he acknowledges that the United States isn’t perfect and that more changes need to be made.

The former Saints quarterback did issue an apology after a firestorm ensued because of his comments. His teammates at the time, as well as former teammates and even NBA star LeBron James, all called out Brees for being oblivious to what was going on in the country at the time.

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Malcolm Jenkins called Drew Brees’ comments ‘hurtful’

After Drew Brees’ comments to Yahoo! Finance about his stance on professional athletes kneeling for the National Anthem, one of his teammates had his own message for the quarterback. Former NFL safety Malcolm Jenkins, who was teammates with Brees in New Orleans from 2009-2013 and then again in 2020, expressed his opinions on his Instagram Stories.

He said that he felt that the quarterback’s comments were hurtful and insensitive and that, if he didn’t realize it, then he is part of the problem and not the solution.

Malcolm Jenkins felt that Brees’ should feel more of a connection to the issues and injustices that his teammates that he takes the field with deal with every day.

The former Saints quarterback, who retired after the 2020 NFL season, continued to apologize in the months following his interview.

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