3 Reasons why no NFL team wants to take a chance on Cam Newton

3 Reasons why no NFL team wants to take a chance on Cam Newton

Cam Newton remains a free agent as we head toward the climax of the 2022 NFL season. Despite the 2015 MVP being a mainstay in the league since being drafted first overall by the Carolina Panthers back in 2011, no team has taken a chance on him in 2022.

Newton was with the Panthers from 2011 to 2019 before signing a one-year contract with the New England Patriots for the 2020 season.

He wasn’t re-signed by the Patriots, so re-joined Carolina during the 2021 campaign, but was unimpressive as he went 0-5 during his five starts.

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Many fans remain puzzled as to why he hasn’t been signed to an NFL roster throughout 2022. Meanwhile, teams like the Washington Commanders and the San Francisco 49ers are facing injury woes at QB.

That said, here are the likely reasons why he’s still without a team.

#1 – Injuries

Tampa Bay Buccaneers v Carolina Panthers

One of the main reasons no team has taken a shot at Cam Newton in 2022 is his injury record.


His tendency to run may have had a detrimental effect on his NFL career. Over the years, he’s missed a lot of time due to various injuries.

Newton underwent shoulder surgery back in 2019, which led to the Panthers releasing him.

During his time in the NFL, Newton fractured his ribs and tore the rotator cuff in his throwing shoulder, which may have affected his throwing potential.

Newton’s injuries have stacked up over the years, which is likely why no team has signed him.

#2 – Accuracy

As Cam Newton’s career progressed, his accuracy decreased. In 2021, he posted just a 64.4 quarterback rating.

This is by far the lowest total of his career, as he completed less than 55% of his throws in his five losses as a starter for Carolina.

Newton also only threw four touchdowns to five interceptions. His five rushing touchdowns aid him, but many teams will be put off by the accuracy he displayed back in 2021 on a dismal Panthers team.

#3 – Personality

Cam Newton at the 148th Kentucky Derby

If an NFL team were to sign Cam Newton, a whole host of media intrigue would follow. The 3x Pro Bowler is one of the most recognizable players in the league, and this could bring the wrong sort of attention to any organization.

He has his own YouTube channel and podcast, which a lot of old-school team officials may not take too kindly to.

Newton is well-liked by his teammates and coaches, but his personality and profile could put off a team from taking a chance on him during the 2022 season.

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