

There is no artist now that is comparable to Beyoncé. She stands by herself above all other entertainers, as a singular force she is Queen Bey and yes I am a huge Beyoncé fan. I’ve liked her music but Lemonade is an amazing album, touching on different musical genres, and my anthem is Formation so I had to see Beyoncé for the Formation World Tour.

Large arenas are so cumbersome but I bared through it, drove 3.5 hours, waited in line, parked near (but not really) sat down and within 15 minutes it started. I must say considering everything, the show started on time.

The moment I heard that distinctive beat for Formation and saw Beyoncé and her dancers come out, I LOST MY MIND (I was just screaming and jumping with no real aim but to release all my energy). I was in the same space as Beyoncé and it was a lot of screaming. Much like those videos of girls loosing their mind over Elvis, the Beatles, and Justin Bieber- I was doing that and it was fantastic. Because collectively the entire audience was also LOOSING THEIR MINDS. Just that experience like communal euphoria it’s very hard to get but damn it if it doesn’t make you feel magical.

The stage had a giant cube and screens and I could definitely see a little figure (I didn’t have the best seats) who happened to be Beyoncé. Before she begins, she asked as questions and if we agreed we had to respond with “I Slay” I didn’t so much say it as screamed it at the top of my lungs like my life depend on it. GOD DAMN, I was gonna get in formation and slay if it was the last thing I ever did.

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From there, the show just kept going for two hours, she sang, danced, and slayed. She sounds live like she sounds on the albums, and she danced for the majority of the time, like she never stopped moving. The intermissions were brief, between the intermissions and the slow songs- I took a breather, because, I unlike Beyoncé needed to rest from all the singing along and jumping I was doing. She did some songs from Destinys Child, the majority of her hits (no show for Irreplaceable and Single Ladies).

In the end, after everything, I was just amazed. For one, I could have lived at any time in history, but I get to live in the time of Beyonce. For two, I saw the greatest performer of my generation live. For three, I saw Beyoncé at her peak, with the greatest album she has released (so far). When I’m old- I’m going to be telling the youngins about the time I saw Beyoncé live for the Formation World Tour, and they will be amazed. I can’t wait to tell the story. En fin, if you get a chance do it, see Beyoncé because it will change you, transform you, it will slay you, and you will be amazed.

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