What was Aaron Rodgers’ weight and height during NFL Draft?

What was Aaron Rodgers’ weight and height during NFL Draft?

Aaron Rodgers is famously strict and touchy about both his height and weight. There is a theory that he was passed up by the San Francisco 49ers because they did not trust his physique during the 2005 NFL Draft. Instead, they drafted Alex Smith first overall, leaving the local boy Rodgers high and dry. But he was picked up later by the Green Bay Packers, and the rest is history.

Rodgers has always had these questions following him wherever he goes. Yet he has proven how good he is. At the time of the 2005 NFL Draft, he weighed in at 223 lbs and 6″2′. It is not an uncommon size for a quarterback. But his reputation probably preceded him, and that is why Aaron Rodgers is sensitive about his physique even today.

Aaron Rodgers overlooked because of size out of high school

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It is well-known that the California boy from Chico went to UC Berkeley before being passed over by his native California-based 49ers. But what is perhaps not well-known is that Aaron Rodgers never went directly from high school to university.


He did not receive any scholarships out of high school and actually enrolled at Butte Community College. The primary reason for that was that he was a gangly 165 lbs and 5’10” only. He flourished after his first year as a community college quarterback. After leading them to a 10-1 record, he was scouted by the Golden Bears.

The scars still seem to remain deep, and Aaron Rodgers does not take kindly, even today, if he feels that someone is questioning his height. In terms of weight, it is remarkable how consistent Rodgers has been. After crossing the thirties, there is always a tendency to bulk up.

But Rodgers has cut gluten and dairy from his diet and mainly turned to plant-based foods. He permits himself the occasional helping of meat, though, when needed. He also regularly goes through Ayurvedic cleansing practices like 12-day Panchakarmas to cleanse his body. Taking care of his body this way has meant that he only weights 225 lbs today, which is just two pounds above his draft weight.

Looking at Aaron Rodgers and how he has been continuously underestimated shows us the value of never giving up faith. He also continues to prove that age is just a number. Instead, it is about taking care of your height and weight that can keep you at the top of the game for many years to come.

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